Contrasting Elements in Interior Spaces

I’m often asked how I can look at a “blank canvas” property and envision everything from furniture layout, to paint colors and even bathroom and kitchen fixtures. The answer, for me at least, is simple. My mind just works differently. My job as an interior designer is to discover the features that will coalesce into one cohesive display. But that doesn’t always mean selecting items that are similar. In fact, contrasting elements in interior design can often make for the very best styling! Curious? I’ll tell you more.

Opposites Attract?

It can be tough to believe that contrasting elements work well in design. I get it. For so many years the industry has sold us all the idea that everything must match. Think about it; when you go into big box furniture stores, everything comes in a matching set. You can get a bed, nightstands and dresser all with the same material, color and embellishment. When clients choose hardware for their rooms, they typically go with all one metal: brass, chrome, black, etc. We have simply been conditioned to believe things need to echo one another in order to feel connected. It’s not true! Opposites might not attract, but they certainly do complement! Adding contrasting elements in your interior design gives your spaces a chance to feel dynamic and layered. That’s what you want when you’re creating a curated home.

Organic Versus Luxe

So, now that we realize we can vary the styles of our decor without worries of everything clashing, how do we effectively mix and match? Well, I aim for balance. For instance, I am in the process of designing my new beach home in Southern California, and I’m hand-picking every single thing. I decided on Venetian plaster for several of my walls. Limestone on walls instantly gives a very earthy feel to a space, and while you might be inclined to make that the theme of the entire room, I’ve decided to juxtapose the sort of organic appearance of Venetian plaster with an oversized and elegant chandelier! 

The two seem like worlds apart, but while the chandelier alone might feel over-the-top, combined with a more muted background, it sings! If you’re wanting to bring a bit of these contrasting elements to a room in your home, consider the places where you can add something ornate to a more subdued surrounding. The balance makes for a stunning view!

Edgy Versus Classic

When I told people I planned on combining graffiti with wainscotting, I definitely received a few shocked looks. I get it. I mean, graffiti has always been a more rugged form of artistic expression, while it just doesn’t get any more timeless than wainscotting. I wanted to give my son a say in the design of his space, but mama knows best when it comes to the lasting power and the aesthetics of design. These two contrasting elements are a surprisingly chic combination that I’m already loving! I recommend an edgy and classic blend especially when it comes to a couple that has differing opinions on what they want for a space. You can avoid several arguments by being willing to find elements that appeal to him and her, then mix them in attractive ways. Don’t be afraid to combine softer elements with more severe ones. The result is often a delightful and interesting one that will catch the eye and feel bespoke!

Solids Versus Patterns

This one is a favorite of mine, because it can be done in a myriad of ways. If there’s one thing you should consider, it’s layering color and patterns together! I recently created my Breegan Jane fabrics and wallpapers line with Clarke & Clarke, and it is brimming with prints and hues that remind me of some of my favorite places. There are so many options that you can mix and match for a tailored look. 

Want to add a wow factor to your space? Select a beautiful wallcovering, then add gorgeous throw pillows to your couch to bring out the colors in the wallcovering. Weave in patterns that are different but feature similar colorways. Treat your rooms like outfits. Add accessories to your foundational design for the look that only you could create!

I talk a lot about personalized and customized interior design because I believe your home should look and feel like those who live there. Incorporating contrasting elements is one excellent way to achieve that in unique ways! Use these tips to give your home an extra special touch. You won’t regret it!


Empowering Women via Passion and Profession

My work as a philanthropist is about so much more than simply “giving back.” Likewise, my work as an interior designer is more than decorating the interior of a house. In both instances, I want to be a part of building something. My job allows me to focus on empowering women as an example. Simultaneously, my philanthropic work gives me the opportunity to support girls and women as they fight to create a life and space for themselves in their communities. The interwoven strand between these two aspects of my work is the emphasis on creating a place of safety, solace and security—a “home”—both physically and emotionally.

Interior Design and Beyond

To debunk a myth about interior designers, we don’t just beautify residential spaces. Our jobs extend much further than that. We work to capture the essence of the families and people who will live in those homes. And, we determine how they will best use the space and bring utility to the home. Further, we find ways to embody homeowners’ personalities and put them into the physical structure that will be a haven for them. This is the epitome of empowering women and men to be their best selves in their homes. It brings me so much joy.

As noble as I feel this profession is, and as proficient as I believe I am at it, it can still be tough for us women to climb the ladder in this male-dominated industry and world. Women are regularly put in situations where they have to prove themselves as equal, worthy and capable. But somehow, it is automatically assumed that men can naturally handle positions of authority and rank. I have had to deal with stereotypes and preconceived notions in my industry despite having the portfolio of commercial work and residential projects as proof.

Because of this, empowering women became more than a passion. It was, and continues to be, a mission to show other women that it’s possible to find success, create the life you want as well as a legacy for your children, and show other girls and women coming up that “difficult” is by no means “impossible.” And if anyone knows what existing in the seemingly impossible is, it would be the young girls I met in Kenya, Africa.

The Plight of Empowering Women in Kenya

When I think about the women and girls in Kenya who are trying to escape to a life where they are no longer being held hostage by outdated, unnecessary, harmful practices and traditions like FGM, an innate protector and emancipator rises within me. I will never know—and will never compare my journey with—the struggle of fighting to escape FGM. Not many people reading this will. What I do know, and what propels me to fight for my Kenyan sisters, is the parallel plight of being seen as inferior, and wanting a better life and future despite the powers that exist to deny that for women.

There’s a great deal of crossover in what it means to create the world you want and the life you deserve as a woman. What I see in my Kenyan sisters’ desire to escape is a hope and a dream of having a brighter future. I understand escaping FGM and child marriage is not only about safety. Doing so gives these young ladies a shot at education, which can help them become wage earners in their community. That’s all any of us wants: the inalienable right to pursue happiness and freedom for ourselves.

The Power of Philanthropy

As a female entrepreneur, I want to use my God-given gifts and abilities to not only beautify spaces but also provide for my family. In that respect, NOT in our experiences, I feel a kinship with the girls in Kenya. It’s why, as a philanthropist, empowering women and girls in Kenya is a priority. Having a choice in who you become, what you can do, and what happens to your body should never be anyone’s decision but your own. Now, it’s not only their fight. It is mine, too.

I am a self-professed “homemaker.” I make physical homes for people across the country. But I also work to provide a sense of “home” for suffering women who need to be embraced and protected from cultural practices like FGM that do not serve them. For me, it is a moral mandate. If you want to help me in this plight, visit for more information.

The Myth of Overnight Success

Before-and-after carousels on Instagram are fun, aren’t they? Nobody loves a good dramatic home improvement reel more than I do! I mean, it’s inspiring! We all enjoy these kinds of posts because they show us what’s possible, while simultaneously leaving us stumped on how someone was able to go from “this” to “that” in the blink of an eye. But, real life isn’t a social media trend. Most successful people don’t just wake up one day with everything in their laps. So much of what we see online and even sometimes in the split seconds we run into people at the grocery store or an event can appear to be…overnight success stories. But I know better. Don’t get discouraged by the pace of your journey, and don’t compare it to others. Instead, focus on the goal ahead. I have a few tools to get you started.

Believe It Before You See It

“You are only crazy until you succeed, then, you are genius.” – Kim Chestney

I knew I wanted a career in design and TV. So, I created my website and portfolio and gathered other key pieces including lifestyle photography well before I actually needed them. It was an investment to prepare all of these things, and there was no guarantee they would materialize at the time. I didn’t have brand deals, I wasn’t designing mansions, or all over TV. But I knew I wanted those things in some form.

By the time I did in fact need those elements, they were up and ready to go! People might have thought I was crazy to invest so much in those parts of the process so early, but for me it was simple. I could envision the life I wanted, and nothing was going to get in the way of me having it. Remember that your path doesn’t have to make sense to everyone else. It only needs to be productive enough to get you to your goal! Identify where you want to end up, then work from the end to get to where you start. That’s what I call reverse-engineering life. It’s why when people see my product lines, shows and more, they often believe it happened so quickly. No, it was YEARS in the making. Trust me, prepare now for what you’re working to achieve later. 

Let Your Yes be Yes

This one is simple. Be open to opportunities, and say yes when they come your way. I find that many people miss out on connections, events and chances to learn simply because they think an opportunity doesn’t fit what they’re working towards. The truth is, sometimes the things that come your way aren’t a perfect match. But simply being willing to put yourself out there and grow your skills is a huge part of achieving your goals. Your “yes” today, even to engagements, events, and deals you feel unqualified for, become the building blocks for what you will be an expert in later. Experience doesn’t come all at once. You gain it bit by bit, but only if you’re willing to accept the process.

When I was starting out all those years ago, I said yes to many panels, networking events and speaking engagements that I didn’t always have a great deal of experience with. I found myself in circles with people from industries that had nothing to do with mine. Today, many of those people have been clients of mine at one point or another. Others have referred clients to me! Say yes and do it scared. Show up and let people see your face and learn your name. Whether you know it or not, you’re building bridges, nurturing relationships and connecting pieces that all relate to the larger picture.

Be Savvy in Your Starting

I’m proud of my achievements. I have built a successful eponymous design firm with several projects under our belt, I have numerous magazine features, and I’ve hosted many TV shows. Does that sound like bragging? It isn’t. Despite how lovely that all appears right now, none of that came to me overnight. Owning a retail store as a teenager and falling in love with designing window displays led me to seek out other creative endeavors. Many years later I was an estate manager who started understanding the power of construction and design. I eventually took a complete bet on my own ability to create space by building my own company. With each undertaking I learned more about the design industry. I made contacts with contractors, architects and plumbing experts. I honed my craft through wins and losses, proverbial mountaintops and valleys, and lots of sleepless nights and sacrifices. I knew I was where I was meant to be.

You might not immediately enter the field in which you wish to work. If life puts you in a job adjacent to your dream, do it, and do it in excellence! The pace isn’t important but the performance is. I realized early on that every single job I had gave me the chance to be a better designer. I learned about marketing and branding when I worked for a luxury yacht manufacturer. I learned all about real estate when I was flipping my first properties. I never turned down a chance to improve and grow, and much of that I credit to the very beginning of my career. Simply…start…somewhere. We all had to.

You aren’t behind if your career doesn’t look like the feeds you follow on Instagram. You haven’t made a mistake if things aren’t taking off right away. Success is more of a slow cooker than a microwave. No matter what it looks like, nobody builds everything they have without work and time. Remember that social media is a snapshot of someone’s development, and you’re often viewing the end, not the beginning. Use these tools as a starting point to make your dreams a reality. It will be worth it.

Children’s Books: Making Difficult Conversations Easy

I wear a lot of hats in my everyday life. I’m what I like to call a serial entrepreneur, an interior designer who tackles everything from residential and commercial properties to virtual consultations, a philanthropist working to end FGM in Kenya and across the globe, and an author. That last one is especially crucial because I was inspired by the biggest and most rewarding job of all, which is being a mom to my two little boys. I wanted them to love reading for so many reasons. I don’t think you’d get a single argument from anyone regarding the importance of literacy for our kids. However, children’s books can be incredible parenting tools in ways you just might not have considered before. I’ll tell you how we use them in our household in today’s blog.

An Emphasis on Child Literacy

According to The Literacy Project, approximately 45 million Americans are illiterate. That might come as a huge shock, but most studies show we can change this stat by placing an emphasis on early childhood education and literacy. Did you know that there is a strong correlation between the frequency at which a child reads or is read to and higher reading scores? It’s true. Even the number of books in a home can help boost literacy and reading scores in school. Researchers have been examining the link between high school graduation and childhood literacy for decades, and it all points towards encouraging our children to have a positive relationship with books.

Reading is great for a myriad of reasons! Of the simplest, is enjoyment. It’s just plain ol’ fun! Now listen, I’m not a mom who is against screen time. I think everything has a place, and moderation is more realistic than any absolute “rule.” But reading definitely challenges the mind in a different way. When we pick up a book and get engulfed in the story, we are able to “escape” to far away lands without ever actually physically going anywhere at all. Reading helps children develop a healthy imagination. It also helps to increase a child’s vocabulary. Often, books are the first place we see certain words that have never been used in our everyday language. The benefits of reading are bountiful. 

Children’s Books: A Parent’s Best Friend

If you’re reading this, you likely have kids at home. And, if you do, you probably know the phases kids go through of asking never ending questions that are impossible to answer. Don’t get me wrong, inquisitive minds are intelligent minds. I never want to stop those wheels from turning, but finding ways to explain why the sky is blue isn’t always easy. The thing is, those types of questions pale in comparison to the more complex inter-relational ones. Talking to kids about things like why skin tones are different from person to person, or why someone only has a grandmother instead of a mom and dad can be difficult. Enter children’s books! The single dad raising a young girl who is about to enter menstruating age can use a book to read with his daughter about her changing body using biologically and anatomically correct terms and easy-to-understand explanations. He doesn’t have to struggle through feeling embarrassed about potentially not knowing all the right things to say. 

Children’s books can be used as bridges to reach our children when we don’t quite know how to talk to them about life issues. So many moms and dads avoid tough subjects with their kids because no one talked to them about those matters when they were younger! They don’t have a frame of reference on how to broach the conversations or even an idea of what would be appropriate. Finding books that speak to those topics on a child’s level can help facilitate learning with a much more relaxed air around the conversations, something we can all appreciate. 

Baxter and Carbie: Children’s Books by Breegan Jane

I was transracially adopted from birth, so you can imagine that life for me has been…a unique experience, lol. Being raised in a family that you looked nothing like definitely required a few conversations before I had an understanding of my origin story. Books were huge in our household growing up, and I knew I wanted my boys to have that experience and opportunity as well. I wrote my first children’s book, Carbie, with a goal of teaching kids about what it means to persevere and be resilient. Those are big words that have complex meanings. But when you break them down on a child’s level, they are actually quite simple.

Carbie is the tale of a little piece of carbon that gets stuck in a tight space and has to struggle to get out safely. He has all the feelings and emotions you would expect. In fact, he almost gives up. But as he continues to try and wiggle free, he learns that he’s changed into something beautiful and sparkling. His hardwork and effort paid off, and he understands that not giving up can have amazing rewards. I wrote Carbie to teach kids not to shy away from hard tasks and problems they encounter in life. I want children to know that they can handle difficult moments and come through them even stronger and better than they were before! It’s a lesson good for every age if we’re honest!

Lessons in Acceptance

Baxter is my second children’s book. Baxter is a little birdie who lives in a neighborhood full of other animal friends that he loves to see each day. On one particular walk through the neighborhood he realizes that each of the animals has a different kind of friend and living situation. Some of them look alike or are identical, while others are completely different. Some like to do the same things and others do not. He starts to realize that he has friends, but contemplates the meaning of a best friend. In the end, Baxter comes to understand that every individual, family, group or pairing is different, and that is okay. Baxter is about recognizing differences and seeing them positively. When I became a single mom, I realized that my boys were going to get older and wonder why some of their friends’ home lives looked very different from their own. I didn’t want them to grow up believing the world’s opinion on singledom. I also wanted the subject of variations in families to be open conversation.

Hard topics are easy to push under the rug. Many parents would rather leave those to someone else, a teacher, community leader, church, to have. But education and acceptance starts at home. I love using books to help my sons understand the difficulties of their world. Uncomfortable topics shouldn’t be taboo; they should be embraced with patience and love. Children’s books with fun illustrations and comprehensible language is an excellent place to begin! If you’re looking to add to your child’s home library, check out Carbie and Baxter! You won’t regret encouraging early literacy. Let’s get reading!

Hints of Home in Your Interior Design

Today everybody is scrolling on social media and looking at perfectly curated homes. What you may notice after a while is the striking reality of homes all (seemingly) starting to look the same. If everyone is into tan and cream, that’s what you will begin to see everywhere. It makes sense to me as a designer that if you’re styling your home, what better way to make it feel like yours than bringing more of YOU into the interior design? You can create a home that looks like everyone else’s that is amazingly designed, sure. Or, you can create a beautiful home that looks (and feels) like you! The way to do that is to infuse your house with hints of who you are and give it the personality that appeals to you! Here are a few ways you can easily achieve that.

Your Life In Lights!

In 2024, there’s no need to have one-size-fits-all lighting in your home. Lighting choices are incredibly abundant. You can find lighting options that both illuminate spaces and also give your interior design a unique look. There’s a plethora of stunning fixtures that will turn heads and bring that “wow” factor to your interior spaces.

That was the primary motivation behind my lighting collaboration with Savoy House. I wanted to offer clients and home designers options for all home aesthetics. Lighting is the crown jewel of a room, and it adds an effortless opulence. Even with the perfect furniture, paint and layout, lighting is still the final element that affects how everything else visually comes together. A fixture like the Venice from my collection is the perfect mix of fabulous flair and function. Fashioned like a gorgeous bangle bracelet, it is adorned with faceted crystal petals and sports a black and gold finish. I named this piece after my city, because it felt so much like Breegan! The lavishness of the crystal and gold contrasted against the hand-applied Metropolis Black finish is a beautiful representation of my signature design style and belief that luxury can be a mix of elements—both extravagant and casual. Don’t fall victim to cookie-cutter lighting! Select pieces that speak to your heart and radiate the energy YOU desire to see and sense in your spaces.

Statement Wallcoverings for Your Interior

As you consider incorporating more of “you” in your interior design, don’t neglect the larger surfaces in your space—including your walls. I kept this in mind as I began working on my Breegan Jane fabrics and wallpapers with Clarke & Clarke Interiors. Wallcoverings are a great and personal way to add color, texture and life to a space. Plus, you can be as bold or muted as you want with your prints, so your chosen design will perfectly reflect who you are!

For those who may be shy about color but want to take baby steps towards using it in their home interior design, I have just the print. The Palmyra wallcovering pairs subtle tones with neutrals and palm tree designs to evoke sunny, relaxing days. Or, for a bolder visual presentation, the Mombasa print has a tropical feel with captivating jewel tones. The key for any visuals you use in your space is that they make you feel as if you’re in your favorite place in the world. That’s what your home should be anyway, right?

Along with wallcoverings, custom fabrics can also bring personality into your home. By using them for chair upholstery or even for accent pillows, you can infuse personalized accents throughout spaces in your home. The Breegan Jane fabric: Duma in my collection highlights an animal character from one of my all-time favorite movies. To see that print used in accent pillows always brings a smile to my face and great memories over which I reminisce. Choosing the perfect fabrics for your home can do the same for your interior design and decor!

More For Your Decor

There’s so much more you can do to make your home feel like it presents your personality throughout. And, it won’t necessarily take a lot to achieve it! In my previous home, I wanted guests to know that my family enjoyed all aspects of music. So, I chose to display my vinyl record collection in my living space. I created an album wall with gorgeous acrylic album holders and displayed the records on the wall like art. I could have easily found a functional storage option for my collection that would have kept it hidden away. However, displaying them on the wall in an aesthetically pleasing way transformed open “storage” into a conversation starter for visitors.

I did the same with a beautiful white baby grand piano that I purchased. Now, a piano is indeed a splurge, but mine was so worth it! It became much more than a tool to create beautiful music. It coordinated perfectly with my decor, and it connected with my family’s personality without interrupting the visual design. It was that simple!

It’s All About YOUR Design Style!

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you have undoubtedly seen bits and pieces of who I am in every aspect of my design style. I’m all about modern, approachable luxury, and that design philosophy isn’t necessarily determined by anything I can purchase. To me, luxury is having sand-covered feet that walk straight into an upscale restaurant. It’s high-quality furniture that’s beautiful but durable enough to withstand the salt in the air. It’s whitewashed brick and rattan. It’s a light and airy interior aesthetic. MY kind of luxury exists in the details, and I get to determine what those are. So do you!

You can achieve the same feeling in your home, no matter what your design style is. That’s how you make a house a home. YOU decide what personality is presented in your interior. If you’re more bohemian, bring that into your design style and home. Or, if you’re a shabby chic girl, bring that to your space. There is only one rule:  when you walk into your home, make sure it looks and feels like your style, not something you’ve seen or copied from social media. That’s for them. This home is yours! Design your interior so that no one will question the amazing person or people who live there. To me, that’s the only successfully designed home!

Closet Design According to Your Needs

When you think of interior design, how often do you think about your closet? I know, I know. The furniture, artwork, pillows and paint colors are the fun aspects we all like to pick out and dream about. But when I’ve helped people decide on houses, often one of the most asked about features is closet space! We all wear clothes, and having a suitable and sufficient space to store them is important. Today, I’ll tell you what to keep in mind when you’re deciding on your closet design.

Do You Have Enough Closet Space?

This is probably the number one question in people’s minds when they consider the closets in their home. A too small space will undoubtedly lead to overcrowding, and if you aim for even a modicum of organization, you know having adequate room is key! Consider the amount of square footage available for your closet. Now, hear me out. I know social media makes it seem like everyone has an entire room for their closet. In fact, I have even designed a closet room in my new beach home. However, if your home doesn’t allow for that, take advantage of the space you have by eliminating unnecessary furniture. For instance, if you are implementing a shelving system that meets your needs, do you actually need a dresser in the corner or that armoire you’ve been hanging onto since your first apartment? Free up the space and gain more usable square footage by removing the excess.

Location Matters

If you’re working with an existing layout of a space, you might not be able to completely control the location of your closet. But, if you hire a designer and prioritize closet design, one of the things I’m going to ask you is: where do you get dressed? If it sounds like an intimate question, it’s because it is! But think about it, shouldn’t your closet be one of the most personalized spaces in your home? I want my clients to be able to hop out of the shower and immediately begin preparing their outfit for the day ahead. Closet design isn’t just about what type of chandelier you prefer to hang overhead or the amount of cubbies for your shoes. It’s where you’ll have to go each time you put on or take off clothing. Keep that in mind when you’re deciding where your closet should go.

Boutique-Worthy Closet Design

If you stop and drool over those impossibly beautiful closets on social media, it’s likely the “boutique-like” appeal that’s caught your eye. Achieving something similar is probably easier than you think! Here’s the cheat code: give everything a space. That’s it. What I mean is, if you section off a place for your shoes, then a longer area for things that need to be hung, and shelving for items that should be folded, you instantly elevate the look of the closet. Now, of course the level of professionalism of the job counts here. I always recommend hiring a designer if you want the best possible outcome. But, if you’re looking for a budget-friendly alternative, simply zone the spaces and keep it tidy. You’d be surprised at the difference it makes!

Design for the Life You Live

Speaking of zoning, this is where I urge clients to get really realistic about the way they use their closets instead of focusing solely on the appearance. I am a huge advocate for tailoring interior design to the life you actually LIVE! Otherwise, what are we investing in it for? Are you someone who wants to be able to take one glance at your closet and immediately know where the white oxford shirts are? Do you need all your black trousers in one place and totally separate from the denim? If you run on routine, your closet design should accommodate that. 

I have a separate closet set aside specifically for packing and unpacking suitcases, because my career requires frequent travel. To some, that might sound unnecessary, but it helps my days run smoothly, so it’s worth it. Consider the closet design elements that will help you get started for the day, or the ones that will help you get ready in a pinch. Those are the things you should make a reality within these spaces. Do you wish you had more storage? Cute oversized baskets work well in closets! Do you need a specific space for jewelry? Specify that! Don’t fall into the cookie-cutter trap of one-size-fits-all closets. There’s only one of you, and your closet should be just as unique.

Closets are a huge part of our every day, and yet they are often overlooked when it comes to the interior design conversation. Big or small, there’s always a way to make these spaces more effective and more useful. Consider these tips if you’re in need of a refresh or upgrade. Get personal! You’re worth the investment, after all. 

Why Home Customization Is For Me

Homebuyers have a multitude of options from which they can choose when it comes to purchasing the perfect house. The big question they have to ask themselves, though, is what is it that makes the perfect house? It’s different things for different people. As many homes as I’ve been able to design and beautify, I have never found the perfect move-in ready home for my family. So, I opt to create it! Home customization will always be the way to go for me. Here’s why.

Family Friendly Amenities

One of the biggest reasons I opt for home customization is my kids. Having two active little boys running around the house has always required some safety amenities that I have yet to find in the homes I purchased. One in particular I wanted when the boys were small was an aesthetically pleasing baby gate. Baby gates have never really been attractive, in my humble design opinion. So, I got to work on designing and installing a transparent partition to keep my kids safe. Not only was it a practical addition, but it kept the home looking chic and elegant. I’m a mom who believes the needs of her little ones don’t have to blemish the home.

Another home customization that helped me out as a mom was putting a tub in the shower. This helped me keep an eye on my sons while getting clean myself. However, it required several intentional changes in the shower area. First, I had to replace the original tub with a free-standing tub. It was another functional decision that also modernized the entire feel of the bathroom. Free-standing tubs are timeless options that can be extremely useful when you don’t want your bath space to look or feel dated.

I also had to make changes to the shower flooring to accommodate the new tub. I designed the floor to slope towards the drain so that any water runoff filtered into the shower area. I made sure the free-standing tub I chose had adjustable feet. This allowed me to accommodate the slope and balance the tub so it remained level. My plumbing contractors weren’t sure of my vision at all. However, I made believers out of them and haven’t looked back!

Space Functionality

I love entertaining family and friends in my home when I can. I’m talking the works: DJ sets, dance areas, beverage stations, everything! But unless you live in a megamansion, chances are the new home listings in your area won’t cater to THIS level of entertaining. This is where home customization comes into play for my needs once again.

Festive interaction is the key to home entertaining, so I have to make sure the main rooms are open to each other. I need them to function, but I also need them to facilitate conversation and engagement. In one home project, that meant knocking a wall out in my kitchen. The wall as it was made the space feel closed in, but taking it out opened the entire area up and gave it a more light and airy feel. This is something I’ve done in many home design projects for clients, especially if they appreciate social energy in their homes. Taking out walls, or sections of walls, creates space for conversation and connection between guests. For parents, it’s also a way to keep an eye on their kids in the living or dining areas. Whatever you want to facilitate in your home, know you can always create it—even if that means taking something out to bring a vibe in!

The new beach home I’m building as my forever home will be a place for everyone to relax and let loose. I’m excited about the jacuzzi that will be on the rooftop deck. While I can’t wait to enjoy it, I know my sons and their friends will spend a great deal of time there, too. I didn’t want them to feel as if they had to use it with proverbial kid gloves (pun intended), so I created a wet room space to complement the hot tub area. I intentionally used materials in the wet room that were water- and slip-proof to ensure everyone’s safety and peace of mind about using the space with no worries. This is yet another advantage of being able to personalize your home design and layout.

Tech Trends

Technology seems to be changing by the day, but that’s another reason why I make a point to have control of design features in my home projects. The reality is, every home has its own particular needs, and those should be catered to, in my opinion. Lighting is an easy example of that. The lighting options needed for different functions and different times of day may vary, but most homes only offer set one-size-fits-all lighting options. I created my line of lighting choices in various looks and brightness options to ensure clients had options for practically every situation. So whether you want dim and cozy options for watching movies, or if you need brighter conditions for a more energetic work environment, I’ve got you covered!

In another home project, I used different technology features to control the setting of interior spaces. I once used retractable heating lamps that, to the unsuspecting eye, appear to be contemporary lights in the kitchen. They were so gorgeous, but they also served a purpose for the lucky chef who used them. I also used smart glass technology in the home bar area that allowed the windows to frost or become transparent at the touch of a button. This was perfect to create the privacy needed because of the direction the room in the house faced.

Most of these options are almost never available in turnkey homes. As times and trends change, though, they may become more commonplace. Until they are, though, I’ll continue utilizing home customization to create the ideal designs for myself and my clients.


Design for Kids

With several years under my belt as an interior designer, I’ve had clients that span the gamut. I’ve done commercial design, large estate design and residential design. Every project comes with its own set of challenges and requirements. I welcome it all! After all, part of the fun of interior design is finding unique and innovative ways to make magic happen within a space. Even still, some of the toughest clients to design for might just shock you. Kids! Design for kids demands a particular approach, and if you execute well, nothing is more rewarding! Today, I’ll share with you what I’ve learned, and how you can nail the design you have planned for your own little ones.

Consider Kids’ Hobbies

If you have been following along with me on social media, you likely know about my new beach home I’m designing from the studs up. This house is going to be our forever home, so I’m leaving absolutely no stone left unturned! When it came to my sons and their rooms, they surprised me with quite a few opinions on how things would look according to their wishes. As I listened, it became clear that my sons were quickly becoming my clients! 

One of the first things I did was ask about how they would actually use the space. You might know that we do quite a bit of mediating in our home. The boys use visualization tools for many purposes. So, we visited the house, which was pretty much a construction site. We walked into where each of their rooms would be, and I asked them to sit and imagine what they would be doing a year from now. One after the other, they talked about things like sketching or DJing. I listened intently for clues on how my kids saw their spaces. Then, I began the process of adding details to help achieve their visions. Things like custom drafting desks, extra outlets for DJ equipment and even furniture with compartments for prized possessions topped my list of interior design work I would need to embark upon to meet these goals.

Sometimes Kids Know Best

When you allow space for conversation around the way kids see their needs, you also allow creativity to flow in new ways. It may be difficult to imagine a child knowing more about how interior design might benefit them than we as adults might, but learning from my kid clients has opened up a world of wonder to explore. I’m glad I took their hobbies into consideration, and I know they will benefit greatly from it, too. If you’re planning a child’s bedroom, ask them what they want to do in that space. If your child loves to sew, factor in a station for it. If they love puzzles, have you created a place to store the pieces or hold a work in progress? These are the types of features that take ordinary kids room design to the next level. You can love the look of the space and satisfy the needs of the kiddo, too!

The Disposition of Design

Recently, I was asked about what I predicted in interior design trends for 2024. I talked about seeing a rise in “dopamine decor”, and why that was going to be a big deal this year. While I’m more of a timeless than trendy kind of designer, selecting design details that lift your mood will always be a good idea. I have always remarked about the power interior design has to influence the way people feel in a space. I wanted to keep that at the forefront when I was creating spaces for my boys in their new home.

Tap Into Kids’ Feelings

Far too often, we design spaces based on our adult visions and goals. We think about all the ways wallpapers, paint colors and decor will make a room shine. But, what about the kids? Shouldn’t they have a bit of say regarding how their private spaces will look and feel? I think so. Once again, conversations with the boys helped facilitate the next steps I took to create their rooms. One of my sons really craves the feeling of security and coziness in his bedroom. So, I leaned into that and incorporated elements that would usher in a warm and safe vibe. Everything from the colors, to the style of bed and furnishings are catered to making him feel comforted and snug in his space.


My other son is quickly moving into a new phase of his childhood development where individualism and personality are starting to take center stage. He had a very distinct idea for his bedroom walls, and let me tell you I was not the biggest fan at first. He wanted graffiti! His modern approachable luxury preferring mama was unsure of how to make that work. Once I understood why he wanted it, I worked with a local artist to create a masterpiece that ensured my son felt heard in his desires. We design a room that allows him to be the cool kid he truly is. 

Where Personality Meets Functionality

Typically, when we decide to remodel or renovate a space, we place a heavy importance on the appearance of the area. Everyone loves the fun part—the picking out knobs, tile, art and so on. But, we all know that none of that matters if the utility of the space is lacking. You wouldn’t want a kitchen counter made of material that wasn’t food safe, would you? That same attention deserves to be given to kids’ design as well. When I worked on the Iconic Home presented by Architectural Digest I was asked to design a little girl’s room, and I tapped into all the amazing things a little eight year old Breegan would have swooned over! I included a ballet barre in that space because I wanted the room to encourage movement. 

If you have energetic little ones, don’t build a space that requires them to treat things gingerly! A functional space for spry kiddos inspires their bodies into motion and is able to support that kind of activity. So, how does one design for kids with this kind of functionality as a priority? You can select furniture that can be climbed on, add features like hammocks, swings or even areas for a bit of roller skating! You don’t have to have a huge space, just focus on taking advantage of existing square footage. 

Keep It Neat

All parents will understand the struggle of asking your kids to keep their rooms clean. If it’s a never ending battle you can’t seem to win, let’s design for kids in a way that might just alleviate that problem! If you have a child who has trouble staying organized, they might thrive in a space with dedicated storage. My kids did well with cubbies for their items and a routine to put things away when they arrived home each day. I preach about baskets with lids and ottomans because they’re great ways to hide away things without creating eyesores. Consider this approach with your kids’ rooms. Be intentional with your furniture purchases with their habits in mind. One of my sons tends to be a bit messy, so we are deliberately keeping his design simple and minimal. With less stuff comes less mess, right?

Listen, of course we want every area of our homes to be gorgeous and curated. I’m a mom who has always believed kids room design didn’t have to lack sophistication and beauty, so I totally get it. But, if we want to successfully design for kids, we must put their needs above our own preferences. If you hire a professional, you can easily find clever ways to merge the two! Contact me today if you’re looking to create a fabulous space for your kids. Let’s get started! 

The Benefits of Meditation

Life can get hectic for us all. It absolutely does for me. With television and media appearances, design projects, building my own home, raising a family and trying to find time for myself, “hectic” can be an understatement sometimes. Thankfully, I learned early on in my maturing how important meditation can be to help maintain balance in my life. Here’s why—and how—I practice meditation with my family.

Meditation: Myths Versus Reality

What is meditation, really? A simple definition describes it as a practice that involves focusing on clearing your mind using one or several mental and physical techniques. I could name so many ways in which meditation has positively impacted my life. But first, I think it’s important to debunk some common myths about what it is and isn’t:

  • Meditation is time-consuming. I don’t have time. The reality is, none of us do. We’re all busy with the day-to-day things. But just like things we make time to do—exercising and working out, visiting friends and loved ones, and even household chores—meditation requires an intentional decision and consistency to be most effective.
  • Meditation is too complicated. I don’t know how. Honestly, there’s no one way to meditate “the right way.” In fact, many people traditionally spend quiet time in meditation, but there are other forms of practicing meditation that work just as well. Some meditate by going for walks and keeping attention on their feet. Others play music while focusing on being present and mindfully aware. The “right” way to meditate is the way that works best for you to stay grounded. That’s the only rule.
  • Meditation is for people who need to relax. I don’t need it. It’s great if you are relaxed and have found balance in your life. But meditation offers so much more than relaxation. Studies have shown it can aid in sharpening your intuition and making better decisions. No matter how tranquil your life is, we can all benefit from that!

Get where I’m going here? There’s virtually no reason why you shouldn’t try to incorporate mindful meditation into your life and daily routine. The benefits outnumber any reasons or excuses not to.

My Family and Meditation

People wonder why I’m such a fan of neutral colors and textures in my interior design. What many may not realize is the visual aesthetic is only half the reason. A good designer knows that brighter colors bring energy to a room, while more neutral colors bring a more soothing and calm ambiance. It’s why I use those colors throughout my home, but in other home projects I tend to use them in bedrooms. My mind feels less chaotic and less cluttered when surrounded by those color choices. Making time for meditation has a similar effect on my mind and emotions.

As an on-the-go creative, my schedule can get complicated quickly. What’s more, I don’t tend to sleep a great deal because of my unconventional career and hours. I can often find myself in several time zones a week because of travel obligations. Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t trade my career for the world. However, I deal with more than a few life-disrupting factors that, if not managed, could cause issues with anxiety. Meditation helps me bring everything back to center and focus on what’s important at any given moment.

When I say “any given moment,” I mean just that, both for myself and my kids. Any mom who has raised boys knows they can be curious, rambunctious, always moving little firecrackers. They like to run all over the place, jump off things, pick up random items, and get into general mischief. I decided years ago that they needed meditation, also. Even at a young age, they know how to get themselves into comfortable positions and focus on personal mantras to center their thoughts and energy. They’ve been known to meditate by themselves, even in busy airports and parties. Whenever they need it, they do it.

Get Started Today

If you want to make meditation a part of your lifestyle, there are so many great resources out there for you. A simple Google search will provide so many easy tools and tips for beginners, but there are also apps like Headspace that provide guided meditation practices for newbies. The basics, though, require several things: a calm, quiet place; a set time for the activity; a focus on breathing, the body and your thoughts; and a commitment to be kind to your mind while you train to be more intentional and present within yourself.

Meditation may sound complicated. Trust me; it’s not. You only need a little patience with yourself. Give it a try, and I promise you’ll feel better about yourself and things that impact your mental and emotional well-being.

Breegan Jane’s 2024 Predictions in Color Trends

What is it about new beginnings that gives people such a boost? Everyone has a bit more pep in their step at the beginning of each year. The new year’s energy is invigorating, and in 2024, that even applies to color trends in interior design! Let’s dig into a bit of what you can expect to see in the coming months.

Dopamine Decor

Architectural Digest defines dopamine decor as, “Brilliantly bold colors and patterns, eclectic prints, inviting textures, and a nostalgia-infused, unmissable vibe…” And that’s a perfect way to put it! Dopamine is the feel good hormone we associate with pleasure, and in 2024, people are finding new ways to infuse their spaces with colors that bring them joy and leave them feeling uplifted and happy. 

I think 2024 color trends are going to make a huge splash with big bold colors and large prints. Design will take a detour from the demure and understated and lean more towards the avant-garde. I’m a lover of neutrals, but I absolutely adore striking pops of color that bring life and spirit to a room. I love that people are prioritizing the types of design that speak to their hearts and elicit the kind of sensations they seek in their homes.  I’m looking forward to more of this in this year.

Blues and Greens and Teals, Oh My!

Paint isn’t going anywhere this year. In fact, I believe it’s likely that we will see shades that feel aquatic. You can expect color trends to feature deep seafoam, teals, navy blues and other hues in the blue-green family. Don’t look for pastels. Instead, I think people will opt for these colors in the medium to dark range. These blues and greens are stunning when you want to give a space an especially distinct personality and identity. Jewel tones are definitely in, and any color that reminds you of water ultimately has a relaxing effect. That’s always a win.

Kitchen Impressions

When we think of color in a home, the kitchen isn’t always the first space to come to mind. 2024 color trends will change that! We’re not leaving the heart of the home out of the chromatic conversations! I think we will start to see these spaces take on a life of their own with refrigerators and cabinetry in bold colors and countertops and backsplashes with interesting stone variations. Don’t forget that stone has so many different types of veining! It’s an excellent way to bring in more color without going overboard on one of the largest surfaces in your home. 

2024 is looking splendidly vivid! I think we’re all tired of the typical and mundane; so color, the stage is yours! I’m even adding splashes of it to my new beach home! Stay tuned to my socials to see it all unfold. Until then, let me know what hues you’re looking forward to seeing more of this year!