Financial Literacy For Kids

Conversations about money are often cited as some of the most uncomfortable to have. But they don’t have to be. I don’t want to raise sons who are ignorant of money matters or intimidated by them. I want my boys to have an appreciation for money, a strong work ethic to make it, and the wisdom to grow it. Most of all, I want them to have a life free of financial bondage. I prioritize financial literacy for kids because financial freedom is something everyone deserves, but not everyone has. I’ll tell you more in today’s blog.

It Starts at Home

Most of you know me as an interior designer, but the truth is I’ve been an entrepreneur for far longer than almost anything else. I realized I owe much of my success to my ability to grow money and build wealth. But I wasn’t born with those skills; I was taught them. A great deal of what I know about money came from my father, who was and still is a skilled investor. While my dad’s financial lessons for me as a young girl surpassed what I saw my peers learning, we all look back and believe we could have been doing more. Dad taught me a lot, but I’m very honest about coming from a place of privilege where I didn’t ever want for anything. I did, however, work for the money earned from modeling and auditions. More on that later. Money and its impacts were introduced to me early in life. I’m passing on that wisdom to my boys.

Why Money Matters

In today’s society we talk a lot about money. The discussions are usually around what you can buy with it, what you can achieve with it, and how it impacts your status. Those things absolutely carry weight, but they weren’t the basis for the financial education for my boys.

My boys come from a divorced household. As many parents in my position understand, that means our kids often receive multiple messages about money habits. They know mom’s approach, and they also know dad’s. I wanted my boys to develop their own relationship with money. I also wanted to be intentional about the lessons. Kids are getting messaging whether you want them to or not. They are inundated with images and themes around “rizz” and cars and bling. They are also absorbing our ideas and habits around money. It’s all there and you can’t avoid it.What we can do, however, is empower them with knowledge and strategy. That’s what financial literacy does.

Financial Freedom as a Goal

Jim Carrey once said, “I think everybody should get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that that’s not the answer.” 

I think that perfectly encapsulates why I believe financial literacy is so important. Money can absolutely make life easier. It is necessary for so many of our basic needs. But money isn’t the end all be all. Financial freedom is! Right now my kids are at the ages where their innocence and naivety around purchasing power is understandable. Requests like “Mom can we get a boat?” aren’t a result of them being spoiled, rather it’s more about the lack of financial literacy. It’s always been crucial for me that my boys see their mom working hard. Now, I realize they also need to connect the hard work to results.

Kingsley and Kensi might grow up and be in a position to buy a boat, or a nice home. Maybe they’ll be CEOs of major companies, who knows. That isn’t what I’m after. I don’t care if my sons choose to live extravagantly or lead simple, humble lives. I just want them to be able to make the choice, and be comfortable. Financial freedom is about having the ability to make your own choices with how you use and spend your money. That begins with knowing how to make and grow it.

Lessons in Financial Literacy

I have been quite thoughtful and deliberate when it comes to incorporating financial literacy into both life lessons and my sons’ curriculum. I don’t want money to feel intimidating or foreign to them, so we make it practical. One of the first things I did was take my boys to the bank, piggy banks in tow. We set up bank accounts at Chase Bank for each of them. Now, I could have done this without them, but I wanted them to see the process and understand what an actual “bank” is. This is money they save and don’t touch. Of course, being so young still, all of their needs are taken care of, so that part is fairly easy. But the concept of saving is something they can learn even now.

A Financial Advisor

One of the most helpful things I’ve done with the boys is hire a financial advisor who works for and with individual families in investing. I wanted someone willing to have conversations with them about financial literacy as a part of their tutoring schedule. She uses finance games to teach them about banking, stocks and even helps them develop fictitious business plans. If you’re able to take advantage of an advisor in this way, I highly recommend it.


Another tool of ours is the Greenlight app. It’s an all-in-one money app for families that allows kids to have their own debit cards, but in a way that parents can control. They are pre-loaded upfront, so there’s never a worry about running up a bill. My favorite feature is the “earn” element. I can list chores or jobs the kids can do in order to earn money. I get an alert each time something is accomplished, and the money goes into their account! It’s an excellent way to teach the value of work while also incentivizing them to do their chores.


Investing is a skill that even many adults don’t have. Robinhood is an app that makes it easy. Now, this one you have to be 18 to use, so I let my boys use my account and only under my supervision. I gave them each $100 to invest however they wanted, and they have fun logging in to check each day. It’s been interesting to watch them make certain decisions together and others individually. They are learning how stocks work, and how to invest wisely, all before their teenage years!

There are so many tools available to help kids become financially wise. We just have to prioritize it and be willing to help them understand it all. Sometimes simply buying your child a wallet and making him or her responsible for keeping up with the money inside is enough to get the ball rolling. Remember, while we need money for this life, financial freedom is what truly determines the quality of the life you live. That’s the lesson I hope my boys get as they learn more about how money is made. Check out these tools for your family!

“Different” as a Compliment

I don’t think I’ll ever stop talking about the way travel enriches life. Yes, we can all agree that discovering new places is fun. I mean, who doesn’t love a change of scenery from time to time? But traveling for my family is so much more than just recreation. It has the ability to shift and change our perspectives in more ways than most realize. One of the most impactful parts of traveling outside of the States is the expansion of the way we perceive differences. I’ve found myself unusually intuitive regarding this topic, and I’d love to explore it with you in today’s blog.

The Benefits of Traveling

I always wanted to raise kids who would spend summers with me in Europe. Now, seeing as how I am not from Europe, this might strike many as strange. However, I’ve been traveling since I was a kid, and the experiences that I’ve had are invaluable. In fact, so many of my closest friends live all over the globe, and I attribute that to my passion for travel that I’ve had my entire life. I wanted my kids to be able to experience that as well. So they’ve been on airplanes since they were newborns!


If you’re able, I’d advise you to travel any and everywhere that piques your interest. Of course by now you know my favorite place in the world is Ibiza, Spain. I’ve talked at length about how it inspires my design aesthetic. My kids and I travel there a few times a year, and we typically spend a couple months on the island in the summer. I love watching Ibiza become their second home.

Different is a Compliment

One of the things I’ve noticed in Ibiza and other countries is the way other cultures use and view the word: “different.” When we’re in another place people often look at my sons’ hair and they say, “Their hair is so different!” I watch as the kind strangers’ eyes widen and light up as they describe the hair texture. I’ve gotten that about my own hair as well. If I’m wearing a unique necklace or pair of earrings, they say: “That’s so different!” and they want to know more about it. So, as maybe back home that would be a cause for suspicion to many, here it was admiration and genuine curiosity.



People are commenting on something they have never seen before. It’s new and fascinating, and they want to learn about it. Those statements are accompanied by questions, and the intention behind them becomes clear. They are having a novel experience, and they want to embrace it. Sadly, that’s not always the case back at home.

An Intolerance for Differences

The reason all of that stuck out to me in the first place was because of the way differences are viewed and handled in the States. Here, different isn’t a compliment. It’s weird, discouraged and often said as an insult. Don’t believe me? Think about the girl who bullied others in highschool. The first thing people do in those situations is point out differences. Kids exclude others because someone looks different, acts differently, or exists in a different socioeconomic class…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. But kids aren’t where it ends. 

How many times have you heard someone else or even yourself say things like, “I can’t eat that. It’s too different!” Or maybe you’ve heard it said with a sassy attitude that implied far more than just something being diverse. 

“Their family is just…different.”

We all know the tone there, and we know enough to realize it’s never said or meant as flattery. “Different” in these examples is divisive. It’s a way to put a boundary up or to express disinterest. That’s a far cry from the people in other places who want to know the origin story behind something they’re encountering for the first time. 

Beauty in Diversity

When did we get so far from appreciating the beauty in differences? When my boys and I travel, whether domestically or internationally, we love to point out all the ways each place is similar and different from what we’re accustomed to back home. I want them to welcome the features of each place and develop an appreciation for them.

The beauty of uniqueness is what makes the world go ‘round. Think about our ecosystem and how vast it is. So many elements keep it healthy and thriving. If one part of the system ceases to exist, the entire system is in danger. It’s the differences in the plants and animals that keep the whole of it all healthy. We, as a society, should be functioning much like that.

Different in Design

I have always found an intolerance for differences to be so odd. Maybe it’s because my own origin story is so unique. Or maybe because when you’ve traveled all over you realize no place or people are exactly alike, and that’s the wonderful part of it. In interior design, being different is viewed as a good thing. There’s space for weird and strange in our community. I can put disco balls in my kitchen without people batting an eye. In certain luxury markets (cars, fine leather goods, etc) “different” is even marketed as a selling point. These are the only places I’ve experienced it as a good thing. I think it’s time to change that.


Making Different Cool Again

I have a challenge for you. This week I want you to tell someone something they have on, a hairstyle, a fragrance or anything else is “different.” I want you to genuinely mean it as a compliment. Be curious! Ask them about it and be interested in the answer. Wholeheartedly mean it. Let’s see if we can shift the connotation and become a nation of people who appreciate variety, diversity and differences. Chat with me about it on my socials!

California Beach House Luxury: Available for Pre-order NOW!

It’s HERE! I’m pleased to bring you my new book available for pre-order NOW:

California Beach House Luxury.

Rich with vivid imagery that exhibits luxe detailing accompanied by a sophisticated minimalism, my book explores the artistry and acumen behind designing my dream home. You’ll get a glimpse into the Breegan Jane unique approach to creating curated interiors. I can’t wait to also give you insight and expertise concerning building around the needs of a busy homeschool-hybrid family. 

California Beach House Luxury is a reflection of my design prowess and philosophy that I aim to bring to each home I touch. In addition to an extensive analysis of the beautiful details, we’ll dive into the “why” behind each choice. This is no doubt an explorative experience of how I created an inspired, welcoming, customized space with touches of opulence throughout.

As a multicultural, self-proclaimed “child of California,” my background and its influence are on full display in the book. This home epitomizes my love for and ability to accentuate diversity—such as blending striking African elements seamlessly with refined Parisian and Spanish decor in ways that maintain a clean and modern simplicity.

I used custom furniture throughout the house tailored to meet the needs of our family’s lifestyle and passions. The extraordinary home is outfitted with a music studio, DJ booth and baby grand piano to further my sons’ musical skills. 

“The luxe mirror ball-adorned kitchen, playroom complete with climbing wall and treenet, and bedrooms with breathtaking ocean views are all embodiments of Breegan Jane’s unmatched ingenuity in the design space.”

The book is edited by House Beautiful Market Director: Carisha Swanson. Brands used throughout the home include Kohler, Clarke and Clarke, Thompson Traders, Four Hands, Parachute, TileBar and Savoy House.


Celebrity Designer Breegan Jane Shares Every Design Detail Of Her LA Dream Home In New Book, California Beach House Luxury, Available March 25, 2025

Teal: The Art and Influence of Color

Many of the most significant ways to change a space, shift a mood, or make a statement begin with one essential element: color. Think about it. How many times has your temperament for the day influenced what you chose to wear? We select cars, buy decor and paint our walls with the shade as a guide, whether we realize it or not. So diving deeply into why we feel drawn to a certain color or array of colors can help us understand how to use them wisely in design. My favorite color has been teal for quite some time now. I’ll let you in on why that is, in today’s blog.


Color as an Influence

Have you ever heard of the “Lipstick Effect”? In 2001, Estee Lauder’s lipstick sales soared despite the recession. This shocking fact led Leonard Lauder to coin the term that originated from the idea that even during difficult times, people still spend money on small luxuries like beauty products that make them feel good. Isn’t it interesting that of all the products their customers were purchasing, lipstick—something we immediately think of as a color-based cosmetic, was at the top? I think it’s because women realize how much a bright or muted color on the lips can completely change their appearance. The same can be said of other areas in our lives. 

I think color is so impactful because it’s one of the elements that demands to be seen. You can’t change the color of something without people noticing. Color is eye-catching. When I’m designing a space it’s always at the forefront of my mind. So when I fell in love with teal, I knew there had to be a psychology around it. 


My Favorite Hue

Anyone who knows Breegan is aware of my great love affair with Ibiza, Spain. My family went from short vacations to spending extended parts of the year in this beautiful place. Honestly, if I was to ever move away from my beloved California, it would be to live in Ibiza. The region is just stunning. It’s kid-friendly (don’t let the IG pages filled with nothing but partying fool ya!), it’s slower-paced, and the people are lovely. Each time I visit, I’m instantly more at peace. When I explored that a bit, I discovered a big part of that feeling was due to my aesthetically pleasing surroundings, which had a lot to do with—you guessed it, color! 

Teal was everywhere. The ocean waters sparkled in the immersive hue like a shimmering mermaid’s tail. The sea itself is already beautiful, but it’s even more striking against the white architecture and sandy shore line. I’m always so relaxed once my feet hit the ground in this part of the Mediterranean.



Teal and other shades of blue seem to all have some sort of soothing effect. In fact, if you think of any resort brochure or website, or even your favorite spa, you’ll likely notice they all tend to include a good amount of blue tones. It’s because of the way these colors make us feel. Teal has a perceptible impact on our bodies and minds.

Interior Design and Teal

So, we have our favorite colors. What now? Well, the first thing is to determine how they affect your mood. That will become your guide on where and how to use them. If you love yellow because it energizes you, perhaps it would work well in an office space where you want to feel productive and awake. On the contrary, using that same color in a bedroom might be disastrous. Generally, we like our sleeping spaces to feel calm and serene. So a color like teal might work better there. 

I want my home to be my sanctuary. I love neutrals because they make my always busy and working mind feel comforted by a non-cluttered space. Since there tends to be a lot of white and cream in my spaces, I knew my accent color would have to work well with that. The Ibizan landscape proved that teal would work perfectly.

Using Color as an Accent

I infuse my spaces with my favorite color here and there in order to keep it neutral while also introducing vibrancy in conspicuous ways. One of easiest ways to do that is with throw pillows. I love mixing prints and patterns in similar colorways for a unique look.This is always a recommendation of mine because these types of decor can be easily switched out whenever the mood hits. Check out these examples from my line with Clarke and Clarke.  



Another way to use your favorite color is with paint and wallpaper. I have used teal in many of my paint projects. I’ve done an ombre accent wall for a restaurant I designed. I’ve painted the walls of my office in a muted teal. I’ve even used it in a baby nursery. Each shade was different but equally beautiful. 



Maybe your favorite color isn’t one that you want in large doses. Choose smaller pieces and arrange them carefully in your rooms for an intentional look. I like using functional items like glassware to achieve this look. It’s unexpected but significant.

It doesn’t matter how you prefer to use your color of choice, only that it makes you happy where you put it. Teal will always read as tranquil and soothing to my soul. It will likely always find its way into my favorite spaces, and I love that it just screams “Breegan” when people see it! Let me know what your color is, and show me how you’ve incorporated it into your spaces.


Beautiful Blues: Breegan Jane Fabrics and Wallpapers

When I created Breegan Jane fabrics and Breegan Jane wallpapers, I knew I wanted the pieces to be more than just attractive. I wanted them to positively influence the feeling of your spaces. We all want our homes to be beautiful, but interior design is more than just perfecting the aesthetic of a room. The right selections, often highly determined by color, can direct our senses. On every list of current trends you’ll almost always find a shade of blue. Blue, with its endless shades, has the power to make a home feel soothing, grounded, or even vibrant, depending on the tone. My line with Clarke & Clarke features several stunning shades of blue for every taste and preference. I’ll share a few with you in today’s blog.

Wallpaper that Wows

By now you probably know about my love for travel. I not only frequently travel for work, I also visit many of my favorite places for pleasure multiple times a year. In every place I go I fall more in love with the majestic sunset scenes I witness. Nairobi, a Breegan Jane wallpaper, is deeply inspired by them. This wide-width panel wallpaper softly blends colors and expressive brushstrokes to invoke a sense of tranquility. It only takes a glance to see the stunning quality of this wallpaper. If you want a space to envelop you with beauty, this is the one!

Styled, Personally

I recently completed my dream beach home (a project that took over two years to finish!), and if you’ve seen clips of the finished product, you’ll immediately realize I don’t “do trends.” I’ve never been interested in doing what everyone else was doing, or creating a space that looked like anyone else’s space. Instead, I want my home to feel like a reflection of who I am. In my opinion, that’s what home should always be. Tired of your home looking like every other Instagram reel or TikTok? Well, Palmyra in the Midnight colorway is calling your name! This Breegan Jane wallpaper is especially unique because it features a metallic highlight in the palm tree prints which gives them an extra “pop” against the rich, deeper blue background. The wallpaper also has a linen texture for added depth. Palmyra in Midnight is the kind of wallpaper that takes your breath away when you walk into a room. It feels luxe, immersive and custom. No one-size-fits-all design with this wallcovering, that’s for sure.

Pattern and print are certainly having a moment in the world of current trends, but texture is forever! Xan is for the lovers of timeless design. The Caribbean colorway infuses an indescribable peacefulness in this modern take on a seagrass wallpaper. 

Custom design is my greatest love, and adding one-of-a-kind pieces to your home is the simplest way to achieve that. Breegan Jane fabrics are ideal for all your upholstery, drapery and bedding needs. I’ve used so many of them in my own home.

I will never tire of the gorgeous Kisumu print! It is available in both a fabric and a wallpaper, and it features a hand-drawn African toile. Kisumu in Midnight and in the Caribbean colorway are both lovely blue fabrics to use in a space. I used Kisumu to upholster a bed, and it is stunning! 

Breegan Jane Fabrics: Mix and Match

Pokot is a fan-favorite, and you can absolutely see why! This velvety fabric puts a contemporary spin on animal print. It is available in five colors, but Pokot in Caribbean is a definite showstopper. 

To create a curated look with your fabrics, combine prints in similar colors that complement one another. Serengeti is an abstract print designed on the horizontal scale with a delicate foil texture printed on top. The Midnight colorway feels lively and energetic, and it pairs perfectly with the Pokot and Kisumu fabrics.

Need even more options? You’ll want to be sure to check out the beautiful Narobi fabric which boasts bold shades of cerulean, or my Malindi fabric—a woven jacquard in monochromatic colourways.

It isn’t hard to see why so many love the bold and beautiful blues. They add so much appeal to a space. My collection absolutely has something for anyone looking to give their homes a bespoke and sophisticated design, and I hope you’ll check each piece out for yourselves! Stay tuned for more!

An Open Letter to the Single Mom

To the single mom:

I’ve been watching you, mama. Watching you grow and thrive in your career. I have seen you shine, and I’ve celebrated those moments with you. Oftentimes I’ve held your hand and heard your heart as we talk about life and love. You were so excited about the men in your life, and it made me so excited to see the joy pour out of your soul. I loved the happiness that exuded from your spirit. THAT smile—YOUR smile—is unmatched. Seeing the confidence in your countenance blossom…it displays everything you are, from the inside out.

I’ve also received the late-night phone call from you, with your voice full of disappointment and dejection. Because of my care and concern for you, I immediately shared your hurt. Your love interest didn’t portray themselves as they really are, and they gave up on a difficult situation. I’ve been there. They wronged you, and you were forced to stand up for yourself despite a sullen spirit. As much as I hate to see it, I understand why you sank into yourself. It’s the only place you feel safe. I’m so sorry, sweet single mom.

Your Joy Is YOURS!

What I want to say to you is something I had to look in the mirror and say to myself: Your. Joy. Is. YOURS! It is not theirs to take! That joy is and has always been inside of you. You’ve worked so incredibly hard to cultivate it within yourself. Find it again, and don’t let go of it. And, never allow anyone outside of you to take it away. You have been killing it, single mom. Many could not go through what you have had to endure and fight for. And you had to do it alone and while protecting another human.

You have an amazing life because of your hard work and yours alone. You share beautiful experiences with your little one. Nothing or no one can compare to that. Never forget how far you’ve gotten, and never let hurt cause you to veer off your path of success. We are allowed to live a joy-filled life with or without a partner at our sides. Being single, and being a single mom, is not a curse. Neither is it a synonym for unhappiness.

This is not where you give up or settle. In fact, you’re not going to settle at all. You’ve fought too long and too hard to be where you are, to settle. Please, do not give up and sink into the hurt I see in your eyes. You alone have the power to enhance the life you fought really hard to have. Don’t hand that control to someone else. I feel like you should hear that.

Love Begins Within

I don’t know why we as women have been taught the fantasy of finding the boy from the romantic film who will sweep us off our feet. Once that happens, we will magically and all of a sudden be our best selves. Our wedding day solidifies perfection for the rest of our lives, and we live happily ever after. Romantic love isn’t the magic key to happiness. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting love and a relationship. But know this: your individuality is no less amazing. Don’t put a relationship on a pedestal. You’re just as amazing, just as you are.

Perfect love begins within, single mom, and it radiates from the inside. Find that joy for yourself, and don’t stress about when Mr. Right will arrive. We all want love and connection. I know I do. The relationship will come. Regardless, you still have you, all the things you are, the accomplishments you’ve made, and all you have yet to pursue. Society says life looks brighter and happiness increases when we are in relationships. But it’s not the origin of your contentment. That has always been in you. You are your strength, whether you connect with another person or not. By all means, pursue love, and don’t forsake it if it truly becomes a part of your life.

Simply put, single mom, you are me, and I am you. We are fabulous right where we are, as we are. On your quest for love, remember that a romantic relationship is just one chapter of your life. You’re a whole book, mama! Continue creating all the other amazing parts of your story.

In love, strength and joy,


Florals from the Breegan Jane Wallpaper Collection: Modern and Fresh

Is it just me, or is the entire world in search of a little more joy these days? When we were in the throes of the pandemic, we saw interior design choices shift towards elements that felt serene and in many ways directly connected us to nature. That made sense, as we were locked away in our homes, unable to get outside as much as we’d like to enjoy fresh air with our friends and loved ones. Now, I think we’re all ready to lean into a bit more fun and playfulness, and interior design is showcasing that in several ways. Dopamine decor is bringing big bold color, and with it, florals are back! If you’re craving some botanical beauty in your world, floral wallpaper is the ideal way to infuse it in your home. Let’s find the perfect print for you in the Breegan Jane wallpaper collection!

Floral Wallpaper: A Fresh Take

Designers take inspiration from everywhere, but nature has long been one of the greatest muses for many of us.Think about it, it’s pretty hard to walk past a well maintained garden full of various colorful flowers and not acknowledge the beauty of it all. I think floral prints have a timeless quality about them. That’s why generation after generation has used them as decor in their homes. But, if the first thing you think about is your grandparents’ living room when you hear “florals”, you’ll be happy to know that bountiful blossoms have come a long way in the last several years! Floral prints have been reimagined in new and fresh ways, and my Breegan Jane wallpaper collection with Clarke & Clarke of the Sanderson Design Group has so many unique wallpapers that feel modern and refined.

Delicate or Bold?

If you’re in the market for floral wallpaper but unsure of where to begin, decide if you’re looking for a big punch of floral goodness, or if you’d prefer something a bit more subtle. I always suggest letting the space lead with decisions like this. For instance, a larger space with a significant amount of statement decor like chandeliers, oversized accent chairs and eye-catching artwork might benefit from something understated like Palmyra

Palmyra from the Breegan Jane wallpaper collection pays homage to my own seaside roots. I love this paper because most people don’t automatically picture palm trees when they think about florals, but they should! Palmyra has palm trees floating in a gentle breeze, a print reminiscent of the banana leaf patterns found in Beverly Hills. It comes in four colorways, and three of them feature muted tones that allow this wallpaper to play the background in any space if you want other decor to shine. 

If you’re looking for an edgier print that feels bold and avant-garde, Malindi is for you! One of the things I love about a more modern floral print of today is how we can combine them with other elements and shapes. Malindi is also a Breegan Jane wallpaper, and it showcases lush greenery and tropical palms, but it also has shapes intertwined in the design that almost feel like an ode to art deco. Malindi is named after a town in Kenya, but it is also inspired by the glamor and retro artistry of an LA rooftop. With metallic highlights, this wallpaper is dynamic and one-of-a-kind. Malindi is offered in three colorways (even neutral!) to suit a wide variety of palettes! 

Dark and Moody

If you’ve been around for a bit you probably know I’m the kind of designer that doesn’t mind breaking “design rules.” What I mean is, I believe the best design is the type that works for your life, suits your aesthetic, and makes you feel good in your spaces. Florals don’t always have to be pastel and slight. If you’re looking for a wallpaper that engulfs you and makes the space feel sumptuous, go for one with a deep, richer hue. 

Have you seen Kisumu in Midnight or /Noir Luxe yet? Both of these colorways are absolutely luxuriant! I love a gorgeous toile, because it isn’t your traditional floral print—and yet, this one depicts the iconic Baobab tree, known as the “Tree of Life” in a celebration of the African landscape. In the darker colorways you’ll notice a contemporary twist added with the print being enhanced by metallics, another Breegan Jane signature. Trust me this isn’t your grandmother’s floral!

No worries if you’re looking to keep things airy and bright. Brighter colors definitely bring more light into the space. I love Kisumu in Noir from the Breegan Jane wallpaper collection for that. It features the same immersive toile but with a white background. No matter what you need, we have you covered!

A Little is Sometimes A Lot

Wallpaper can truly be manipulated to capture the look you’re after. You can choose to paper an entire room, just one wall, or even use the paper as trim. One of the ways I chose to use a favorite of mine, Mombasa, was almost as an accent wall. Mombasa is a wide-width panel wallpaper that has an expansive, mural quality. Again, it isn’t a traditional floral print. Mombasa radiates fun with lush jungle vegetation and beautiful jewel tones. THIS is the kind of wallpaper that starts conversations. I wanted it to feel immersive and captivating, and I think that’s exactly what you’ll get when you install it in your home!

Florals are back and better than ever. I have always challenged conventional design norms, and my fabrics and wallpapers line definitely supports that. Florals are an excellent way to bring delight and whimsy into a space, but updating them for a fresh, modern take can upgrade the entire feeling of the rooms you select for them! Check out the entire Breegan Jane wallpaper collection and let me know your favorites!


The Gift of Transitioning

My job as an interior designer has always been multi-faceted, but it’s perhaps at its most complex right now. Besides designing residential and commercial spaces, I’m frequently a guest on panels and other speaker series, I’m heavily involved in product development and licensing, and I also participate in quite a few podcasts. Recently, I visited A Well-Designed Business podcast with my friend Luann Nigara. She asked me about something I learned that has helped propel me towards my goals. My answer?  “To take your pain or fear along with your talents, and use them as the fuel that allows you to grow.” Today, I want to talk to you about the gift of transitioning and how it has been instrumental in my own growth, both personally and professionally.

Only a Glimpse

It’s easy to look at anyone’s current position in life and assume they have always been successful, or that they’ve had it easy. The truth is, that’s rarely the case. We’re usually never witness to someone’s starting point; only their present. The same is the case for me. If you’ve been around for the last year or so, you’ve likely seen glimpses of all the projects I’ve been working on. My life has been incredibly busy with things like the building of my new beach home, the launch of my lighting line with Savoy House and my new fabrics and wallpapers line with Clarke & Clarke, just to name a few. Life is… good. But it hasn’t been a smooth and easy ride to this point. You’ve heard the saying “social media is only a highlight reel”. Well I think it’s time to normalize the realization that even what you see of someone in real life is only a glimpse. You’re not getting all the juicy details or behind-the-scenes experiences that led up to that moment. So, with that in mind, what role does transitioning play in goal-getting?

Transitioning is Risky

Breegan Jane as a company has gone through so many evolutions. I can remember at the start of building my brand, sitting around the conference room of the apartment complex I was living in while my house was being built. I had a few other moms working with me, and all of our kids were crawling around at our feet while we worked and strategized. I didn’t know exactly where I was headed with my business, but I remember telling them we were building an empire that would be all-encompassing and even referencing Martha Stewart. 

I look back at that younger version of myself, and I marvel at the audacity of that statement! I could not have known exactly what the road to get there would entail, and I don’t know if I even knew all the details of what I wanted. But I knew I wanted to be a brand that could do more and reach more people than I could actually physically touch, in person. To accomplish that, whatever we were developing had to be huge. Sometimes, transitioning involves stepping out into the unknown with only the belief that you can and will make it happen. The truth is, transitioning rarely comes without a risk. There’s no way to know how the story will go. But elevation is worth it. If you can combine your risk with courage, fortitude and determination, the risk significantly decreases. I was driven to make my dreams a reality by any means. I’m happy to say I did.

Transitioning Takes Time

I’ve been fortunate to mentor several young women throughout my career. One of the most frequently asked questions is regarding how to get to where I am. The questions come in many different forms, but the sentiment is the same. What’s the secret? I hate to break it to ya, but there are no shortcuts in this business. There aren’t any in life, period. 

I’ve been a content creator far longer than most people realize. Long before I launched I made myself blog every week for a year before I invested money in building a site. I held myself to a standard as an act of intentionality. I had identified what I wanted for my life, and I recognized it would require a lot from me. So, I worked on all the things I would need in order to get to where I desired to end up! Future mentees, this is the definition of reverse engineering. If you learn nothing else from this blog, take this piece of advice:

Be available for the opportunities you want.

Nothing about my path has been easy. It’s been a long road of understanding all facets of design, and the learning never stops. The work? It doesn’t either. When you decide to transition into the next phase of your career, don’t fight against the labor and trials, embrace them. Each step takes you closer to the goal.

Transitioning Doesn’t Mean Failure

I could rattle off many things that have contributed to favorable outcomes in my career, but the reality is that most people had to “fail” in order to succeed. However, maybe we should consider redefining failure. Transitioning into new areas of design is what allowed me to continue to grow. After years of conventional interior design work, I needed to find a more extensive way to help my clients. As I began branching out into other methods, I can remember wondering if I had failed at centering clients. I had several moments of, “Should I be scaling this differently? Am I doing something wrong?” None of it was true! When I get stuck in that kind of cycle, it usually means I’m holding on emotionally to something longer than I should.

The Oxford Dictionary literally defines transitioning as: “the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.” When you’re ready to move into something greater, you must be willing to let go of what you previously had and did. So many times we are faced with letting go of something we thought was meant for us for fear of that meaning failure. And yet, letting go is precisely how we make room for newness! In interior design we know decluttering can be emotional. We encourage clients to part ways with items that no longer serve them so that their homes can be transformed into beautiful spaces that allow them to thrive. The same is true in life and career. Good things will come into your life when you clear out the muck. I wanted to evolve, so I had to clear out the things I’d outgrown.

Trust the Process

When I think of the process of transitioning, I imagine a field of crops. First that field has to be empty, right? The farmer tills the land and prepares it for planting. He tends to the seedlings as they grow, and eventually the field yields a great harvest. The process is key to the success of the crop. In life, it can feel uncomfortable when our proverbial ground is empty. We panic thinking, “oh no, what are we planting! I need the fruit!” But these steps have to happen if we want to grow and evolve. Transitioning from the comfortable and familiar into unknown, but fertile ground isn’t failure. It’s growth! Change is necessary. 

How have I gotten to this point in my career? It’s been a long, storied road. But none of it would have been possible if I wasn’t willing to transition from one thing to the next…over and over again. Am I always 100% certain of what tomorrow brings? Absolutely not. But it’s always an adventure and lesson in perseverance and having a willingness to stretch. That’s valuable. Welcome the journey. It will be worth it. 


Bring More Light Into Your Home

If you were to ask a realtor what the most commonly complemented features are when clients tour houses, I bet an abundance of natural light would rank in the top five! Listen, most people don’t want to live in a dungeon. Being connected to nature has so many amazing benefits. Natural light from the sun has been proven to improve sleep quality, boost vitamin D levels in the body, and even help bone health and mood! In short, there are scientific reasons for sun-chasers like me! I love incorporating natural elements in design, but you can’t exactly “fake” sunlight! So, what can you do if you have a dark space that desperately needs light? Let’s talk about it in today’s blog. 

Go Light With Paint

This one is a no-brainer, but if you wish to lighten up a dark room, you definitely want to make thoughtful paint choices. Lighter colors will instantly make a space feel not only brighter, but also more open. White is probably the easiest and more likely option to select, and it’s a favorite of mine. It’s extremely versatile, which means you’ll never be limited in your style or decor choices. White paint as a backdrop truly allows all the other pieces in the room to shine, and any ambient sunlight will reflect off of it to maximize the natural brightness.

We’ve established that a bright color like white can add light to a room, but have you visited a paint store recently? There are thousands of various shades of white to choose from. Be sure to consider whether you want a warm or cool white. Go too cool and your space can appear sterile and cold. Too warm and you risk the rooms looking dingy and dull. See why hiring a designer is key? We can guide you through that process.

Materials Matter

As you move to find ways to add light to your spaces, don’t forget about the ways you can use materials to enhance the natural light you already get from windows. I opted for antiqued tiles in my kitchen space. The wall on which they are installed faces huge doors and windows. So when the sun shines, the rays bounce off the mirror-like surface of the tiles. As I’m sure you can imagine, that was by design. If you aren’t in the market to redo your tiled surfaces, that’s okay. Instead, take advantage of mirrors! Mirrors placed strategically in a room will reflect light similarly, and make a space feel brighter and bigger. That’s absolutely a win!

Any space with larger surfaces will benefit from lighter colored materials. White stone for countertops—both in bathrooms and kitchens, white, cream or tan area rugs for your floors, and even light, neutral colored backsplashes will all add that gleaming quality to your spaces. Don’t overthink it. Utilize materials in light colors to attract and reflect light in any room.

Chase the Sun

Perhaps the easiest way to bring more light into your home is to prioritize your windows. If you are lucky enough to have large beautiful windows, structure your seating and layout around them. One of the things I always advise clients to do is visit their new home at different times of the day. Why? Because if you desire to enjoy a cup of coffee while you watch the sunrise in the morning, you need to know where to position your nook. If you want a bright and sunny workspace because that makes you more productive, you need to know which room to make your office. In short, take advantage of the ambient light in your home.

Both my last home and the one I’m currently building feature skylights in the bathrooms. Despite contractors suggesting I get rid of them, I knew immediately that I wanted to create a spa-like space and bathe under the stars. I planned my blueprint around that. You might not have floor-to-ceiling windows, and you may not have skylights, but even small windows will emit light. Plan accordingly.

Bringing light to your home can be challenging when your rooms don’t get a lot of sunlight. Often, a few small changes like paint color, cabinetry choice or even just floor coverings can truly make the biggest difference! Use these tips and brighten up!

Coastal Elements Made Easy

Where do you live, and why do you love it? I’m a native Californian, and to be honest, I can’t see myself ever living somewhere not by a big body of water. My earliest memories involve me being in the ocean with family. The sand and sea are practically in the DNA of Breegan Jane. I love the coast for so many reasons. It’s why I feel pulled to Ibiza so strongly. There’s such a peace that accompanies coastal living. In search of the tranquility it brings, many clients lean into coastal decor in their homes! It’s a beautiful interior styling technique, and if you’re interested in finding out how to bring it into your spaces, stay tuned.

Use Coastal Reminiscent Decor

One of the simplest ways to successfully execute coastal design is to incorporate items that call back memories of some of your favorite coastal locations! I have always believed in including hints of home in my design. But that’s an easy one for me since I live on the coast. In Southern California where surf culture is huge, it isn’t unusual to see decorative surfboards mounted on walls in chic ways, or beach coral decor in vacation homes. But if you’re after a more understated yet elevated way to bring in the coastal vibes, I’ve got exactly what you need.

Grecian by Savoy House and Breegan Jane

You probably don’t immediately think of lighting when coastal design is the goal, but you should! Lighting is the icing on the cake in any space, and there’s nothing better than a stunning statement piece hanging from the ceiling of a beautiful room. Grecian is a six light chandelier from my lighting line with Savoy House, and it is one of my favorite pieces!

The fixture is crafted with natural coconut shells, and the branches cascade in a romantic way. The hand-applied Champagne Mist finish adds a beautiful touch that makes me feel like relaxing on a Mediterranean shore on a bright sunny day.

Simple Stylized Statements

Remember that the style you select doesn’t have to consume the entirety of every space in your home. Instead, you can choose small ways to add in elements of coastal decor that make a statement while still allowing the rest of your decor choices to shine. What I mean is, think of your adornments in terms of everyday beauty instead of kitschy, themed styling. Seashells and flip flops artwork are cool for a VRBO you’ll visit for a week. But the home “you do life” in? We want that to feel sophisticated and comfortable. 

Palmyra by Clarke & Clarke and Breegan Jane

Wallpaper is having a moment in interiors right now, and I’m all in! You have so many options depending on which paper you choose and how you choose to use it. I love the idea of using a wallpaper with muted tones as a backdrop for a single wall. Palmyra, a Breegan Jane wallpaper, is ideal for this! It comes in four colorways, and it features rustic palm trees floating in a gentle breeze. This is the perfect way to summon a coastal mood without going too far over-the-top. 

Keep Colors Light and Bright

When you think about the serenity of a beach, you think about the way your senses are captivated. One of the biggest has to do with the colors you see. I have talked a lot about the way we experience interior design, and the reasons why color psychology is so important. Blues, whites and tans will always make a space feel laid back and relaxed. So consider that when you select your decor. I happen to adore teal, so I love finding ways to incorporate it in my spaces. White is an easy one, but careful! Too much white without contrast or texture can start to feel sterile. So, how do you use coastal colors and keep the style modern?

Try a lighting fixture in a bright white but with loads of texture and interest. Pacha is a chandelier that has white tiered flowers with a White Cashmere finish. Talk about alluring! It draws the eye without feeling so bold that it takes over the room. 

Throw pillows are always a win when you’re looking to add a splash of color to a room, and Paradiso with its woven and distressed texture is superb! This Breegan Jane fabric comes in a myriad of hues, but denim would make a splendid pillow or curtain for a coastal interior! 

Incorporate Organic Materials 

Lastly, you can never go wrong with natural elements in a coastal inspired design. I love using natural elements because anything that connects me to nature is a win in my book. Where possible, use materials like beautiful lighter toned woods, stone and rattan. They will complement the other colors and textures in the space, and you’ll definitely usher in that unmatched peacefulness that comes with the great outdoors.

You certainly don’t have to use every one of these in your home to feel coastal, but adding in a few here and there in orchestrated ways will absolutely have you ready for a trip to the beach! For now, enjoy that relaxing energy in your space with an elevated coastal design!