Thanksgiving is next week! Are you as shocked about that as I am? I know we say it every time, but this year flew by! It feels like we were just lounging by the pool and basking in the heat from the sun rays. Now there are holiday tunes in the air and gift guides in our inboxes! Thanksgiving begins the season for gathering, and gathering means guests! If you’re expecting friends and family over the next several weeks, I’m your resident interior designer ready to help you prepare your spaces for Thanksgiving and holiday visitors! Believe it or not, it’s easier than you might think!

Get Your Guest Bedroom Ready

One of the first places many people think about when friends and family are coming over is where they are going to sleep. We all want our guests to feel as comfortable as possible during their stay with us, right? If you have a spare bedroom, now is the time to refresh those bed linens, clean the dust from the guest bathroom, and make sure everything is aesthetically pleasing. I always suggest making things as easy on yourself as possible. One way to do that? Keep it simple and uniform! Stick to white sheets and duvets. They always match your room design, and they’re easily bleached to remove tough stains.

Uniform glass bottles make for a polished presentation.

I like white bath towels for the same reason. They have the added benefit of making the space feel spa-like and serene. Also, you’ll likely need to replenish home essentials like hand soaps, body wash and lotions for your guest quarters. Don’t get caught with tacky labels on plastic bottles. After all, why go through the trouble of designing a stunning bathroom with beautiful lighting and metallic accents only to ruin it with poorly designed and kitschy graphics on your toiletries? Invest in matching plain glass bottles with pumps. You can decant your liquids into these and place them anywhere in your home for a polished look. Your guests will be impressed when they’re met with such an elegant presentation. The best part is that none of this takes a ton of money or effort! You can spend your time on more important things…like the turkey!

Invest in a Murphy Bed

What’s most important to you when you’re visiting somewhere new overnight? For many, it’s the bed! Makes sense, considering you spend a great deal of time there. But, what do you do when you’re preparing your home for guests and you don’t have space for a dedicated guest room? An easy solution is to use the existing space you do have to place a bed for your visitors. You’re probably envisioning an air mattress or maybe a sleeper sofa. Those will work in a pinch. But a Murphy Bed is even better! A Murphy Bed is a multi-functional bed that folds into the wall vertically when not in use. I love this option because it means you can keep your extra space as a home office or study for the 90% of the time you don’t house guests, and then easily convert it to a guest room when you do! Look at the photo below. Can you tell my desk is actually a bed? Clever interior design excels in form and function!

Murphy Bed functions as a desk when not in use.

Convenience and Comfort in Your Interior Design

Whether I’m entertaining or hosting friends for an extended visit, I try my very best to accommodate their needs and maximize their comfort with little custom touches in my design. Some of these methods involve pricier options like my beverage fridge for easy access for my guests. And while it is definitely one of my favorite items, I know it isn’t an option for everyone. Don’t fret though, because you can modify your design in several other ways to ensure your home is ready for Thanksgiving and holiday guests. The first thing to consider is where they’ll be spending most of their time. If that space is the living room, think about ditching your coffee table in favor of smaller occasional tables. You can group them in interesting ways, and your guests (and you too!) can pull them up when they want to place a drink, enjoy a snack, or even use their laptop without any fuss. 

Another aspect of interior design that many don’t think about when inviting guests over is lighting! Lighting plays such a big part in setting the mood and shifting the atmosphere in a space. I recommend investing in smart bulbs that allow you to change the color and temperature of your lighting. That way, your guests can change to a bluer white light when they’re working or waking up, and opt for a softer warmer light as they prepare for bed at night. I also love placing lights on dimmers, and even using hands-free options like some of my favorites from Legrand!

Legrand Designer Switches and Outlets

Feeling Stumped? Let’s Video Chat!

‘Tis the season to be merry! Remember, the number one goal is to enjoy the time you get to spend with your loved ones. Perfection doesn’t exist, so don’t stress about getting everything just right. Your guests are coming to see YOU, not your home. Do the little things to prepare in advance so you can simply have fun when your people arrive. If you’re feeling a little stuck on how to get started, contact me here. I’m available even for simple questions, or to help you with a shopping list for your space. Let’s all have a happy Thanksgiving!


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