Sustainable Design for Beginners

Author Robert Swan was quoted as saying, “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” That’s frightening to me, but it’s scarier when I consider that sentiment with my children and future generations in mind. As I think about Swan’s statement, I get more motivated to make a positive impact on our planet by incorporating sustainable design into all of my projects. At the same time, I realize new designers and home enthusiasts may be unfamiliar with the small steps they can take to be more eco-friendly. If you’ve been equally curious and intimidated about what many are referring to as “going green” as it relates to interior design, I’m here to help! Here are some sustainable design tips to help you beautify your home AND be more mindful of our quickly-depleting natural resources.

Educate Yourself

There’s so much to learn in this ever-changing landscape of sustainable design and home decor. One of the best things you can do is to educate yourself on what sustainability means in this industry. A great resource you can use, in my opinion, is the Sustainable Furnishings Council website. SFC’s mission is “to help companies reduce their environmental footprint, and to help consumers find healthier products and design services.” And, as luck would have it, right now you are reading the blog of an official SFC Ambassador!

I made it a point early in my career as an interior designer to discover what it means to incorporate sustainable design into home decor. I promise once you begin your journey to minimizing waste and using resources responsibly, you’ll get hooked on the creative ways you can reduce your carbon footprint, both in the aesthetic of your home and in the world.

Be Picky with Your Products

When it comes to the way things are made, you may not be able to control how environmentally conscious manufacturers are with respect to their products. Choosing whether to purchase their offerings or not, however, IS within your control. As a mindful consumer looking to incorporate sustainable design, you have the right to be picky about what you buy for your home. So make it your business to let manufacturers know your priorities!

Some people believe what you don’t know won’t hurt you. That’s not true when it comes to your home decor. Not only do many home products contain carcinogenic chemicals, but some of them are also even bioaccumulative. Perhaps you’ve heard them referred to as “forever chemicals.” That’s because these substances get absorbed but not excreted. These chemicals can be found in paint finishes, mattresses, rugs and fabrics, upholstered furniture, doorknobs, wallpaper and flooring. Get an understanding of what these unsafe chemicals are. Then, ask intentional questions when you shop at your local manufacturers and decor stores. They should be able to tell you if their suppliers use these chemicals in their products so that you can make more informed decisions.

Reduce and Reuse Resources

Here’s an easy way to begin focusing on sustainable design in your home: don’t buy anything! Well, not at first. Chances are you have a treasure trove of items already in your home that can transform your space. Consider shopping your own stash before you go out and purchase MORE furniture or decor. Recycling furniture or resources can help alleviate waste if done mindfully. Besides, if you’re like many of my clients, you likely have a room or two in your home that needs a refresh. Maybe that gorgeous credenza would look better in the dining room instead of the entryway? I encourage clients to play “musical furniture” all the time when house boredom sets in. Turns out, this is just as helpful for the planet as it is for the visual appeal of your space!

Please know that I aim to practice what I preach. Case in point, I designed a restaurant in LA where, instead of buying a new table, I created one from reclaimed wood and embellished it with a brass border. It had so much character, and it became a stunning focal point in the space. You don’t have to be a seasoned designer or environmentalist to achieve a similar result. It’s easier than you think to find businesses that source materials locally. Many of them only sell reclaimed materials. Consider checking out those options before you buy.

Seek Out Local Thrift Shops

Another easy way to incorporate sustainable design is to shop at antique shops or thrift stores. Doing so can help keep some cash in your pockets, which is always good. But, it can also help save gently loved home decor from filling up landfills unnecessarily. Simply making the choice to reuse home decor can positively impact the environment. You’re probably already infusing sustainable design in your home and not even realizing it!

There’s so much more you can do, but these are some initial ideas to get your creative juices flowing in the right direction. Remember, we only have one Earth to live on. Taking care of it isn’t just important, it’s vital! We are acting on our planet moment by moment with almost every decision we make. While we may never be perfect with our attempts, we can definitely aim to make progress. Lasting, significant, positive change is what we’re after. Don’t be intimidated by sustainable design. If you’re still unsure about what you can do specifically in your home, I’m here to help! Schedule an appointment with me, and let’s take a look at your space together and make a plan to design sustainably in your home.

Declutter Your Home and Organize Your Life!

Spring cleaning could be considered an American tradition. Everyone talks about making changes in their homes as the season approaches. But honestly, you don’t have to wait until the weather warms up to declutter your home. It’s normal for us all to collect things in and around our homes…and then get tired of what we’ve collected. Well, if you’re ready for a fresh take on your home space, I have a few simple but effective tips to help you with your organizational goals!

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The biggest issue with most people’s plans for home cleaning is getting overwhelmed. There’s so much stuff, so much space, and no thoughts on where to start. It happens to the best of us. When you want to declutter your home, here’s the biggest key: Take. Your. Time.

Unless your cleaning is coming on the heels of a last-minute family visit, there’s no rush to get it done. And, aside from the satisfaction of having it completed, there’s no prize for finishing in record time. Don’t allow the task to upset you. YOU determine the pace at which things get accomplished. So make a plan to declutter your home one corner at a time.

What does that look like? Well, let’s say you’ve allowed things to accumulate in your living room area. Instead of trying to do everything at one time, try cleaning things on the main coffee table. That’s it. Then, work on dusting the entertainment center the next day. That’s it! Step-by-step your cleaning. You’ll have a spotless room—and home—in no time!

A Dedicated Place in Every Space

It happens to the best of us: mail and pieces of paper accumulate all over our homes. Before you know it, there are piles of documents, bills and miscellaneous mailings stacked here and there. They may be things we don’t want to get rid of, but there isn’t a dedicated space for them. As you declutter your home, this is the perfect time to find a place for the documents that enter the house.

An easy solution is to find an unobtrusive area that can house your important pieces of mail. That can be a specific drawer in an office or kitchen desk. Or, they can be stored neatly in an ottoman or another piece of furniture. In my home, I intentionally purchase furniture that does double duty as storage. For instance, I have a piece in my bedroom that, at a first glance, looks like a beautiful mirrored chest of drawers. However, when opened up, it has a hidden filing system that can be easily locked. Important documents aren’t open for everyone to see, and their storage doesn’t negatively impact my home decor.

Re-evaluate Your Collections

After being in your home for so many years, it can feel as if you’ve outgrown home spaces like your kitchen. What’s more, it may even feel like you have no room for anything new. But here’s a reality check: might you have things collected and taking up space that you aren’t using? Your first response is most likely, “of course not!” Think again.

While making plans to declutter your home, I challenge you to take 20 minutes to go through, say, your kitchen cabinets. Then take account of the items you ACTUALLY use. If you have a family of three or four, do you actually need those 10 coffee mugs? How about those 15 different bowls? What about all of the souvenir plastic cups you collected throughout the years of traveling? And the five workout tumblers? Do you REALLY need those shot glasses you had 20 years ago in college?

Maybe you could go through your sock drawer. Are you missing sock matches, or do some of them have holes? How about your graphic tee collection: do they all fit? Better yet, do you ACTUALLY wear them all? Keeping a few sentimental pieces is okay, but only a few. Take inventory of the things that are just occupying space in your home, and purge what isn’t getting used. If you’re serious and honest with yourself, you’ll make space throughout your home storage areas, and you’ll declutter your home in no time!

Look Again—A Different Way

Did you know something as simple as shifting your perspective can help you declutter your home? It’s true!  Decor blind spots are a real thing, and we all have our various tastes and biases to create them. Here’s another challenge for you: try reevaluating your space as if you were a visitor to your home. Is your decor balanced? Are the larger-scaled elements complemented with smaller decor? These are things you might miss if you don’t shift your eye’s paradigm with your interior design.

If you’re working on getting rid of clutter in your home, this is a good time to make sure you haven’t stuffed decor trinkets and tchotchkes in places that don’t really serve a purpose. You can create a cleaner look by letting go of these if you have them in your decor. Consider if those elements are doing what you thought they would in the space and achieving the result you want. Do they match your personal design style? What are they adding to the overall look and feel of the room? If you shift your perspective and realize there are more shabby chic elements in spaces you wanted to be more modern, it is definitely time to reassess.

Decluttering your home can be so rewarding, both in the physical space and for the mental and emotional space of the homeowner. If you want a different perspective on how you’ve arranged things in your home space, I am here to help! I’ve owned several homes and designed more spaces than I can count! I’d love to help you determine if your home space is configured best for your needs. Reach out to me on The Expert, and let’s bring new organization to your home today!

Creating Timeless Interior Design

If you’ve made it to my website, you are likely already an interior design enthusiast. You’re certainly in the right place. In my corner of the internet we explore all aspects of the subject. And, we help you achieve the desired result in your space, both in tips and even with virtual one-on-one chats with yours truly! I love all things design, because it pushes me to find new and unique ways to not only make a space beautiful, but also to improve upon its functionality. But, even as we talk about what’s new and trending, one thing is forever, and that’s timeless interior design. There are just some elements that will always ensure your home stuns and delights. If that’s what you’re after, I have the tips you need!

Be Inspired By Nature

You’ve likely heard it before, and that’s because it’s sage advice. Everyone from songwriters to painters to jewelers and even perfumers have attested to being inspired by nature in some way during their creative processes. Interior designers are no different. It’s tough to look at all the texture, patterning and colors of the earth and not want to find creative ways to emulate it. The good news is, timeless interior design almost always incorporates organic elements in various ways! 

One of the best ways to ensure your space will never fall victim to outdated trends is to consider natural materials when selecting elements for the larger surfaces of your home. It doesn’t quite get more luxurious and classic than stone. Think about the ancient streets of Italy. There’s a reason they’re paved with stone and still look regal after all this time. Consider stone (whether manmade or organic) for your countertops, flooring and backsplashes. If you’re looking to introduce the essence of the great outdoors in simpler ways, I’d recommend using furniture featuring beautiful woods or rattan. There’s something undeniably soothing about tables, chairs and credenzas made of stunning oak, walnut, mahogany and more. These items bring a richness to the space that you just can’t fake with counterfeit counterparts.

Classic Color Choices

If you know me, you likely already know what I’m going to say about color selection. And, it’s true! Neutrals will never go out of style. I know there’s a school of thought that believes white walls or white kitchens have had their moment and now they’re on the way out. The truth is, whites, grays, blacks and browns will always be stylish. I think embracing a neutral as a base and accenting it with pops of color is an ideal way to ensure your home always feels current. The other key to nailing neutrals is adding metallics! Whether you’re a fan of bronze, gold or silver, this is your sign to look for them in your accent decor pieces that adorn your mantel, in your lighting fixtures and even in the trim of your furniture. Metallics instantly elevate design without trying too hard. You can look back at various eras of interior design and see that almost all of them involve the use of metallics in some way. Simply put, neutrals and metallics will stand the test of time.

A Global State of Mind

One of my favorite ways to create timeless interior design is to think in layers. What does that mean, you ask? Never feel like you have to be rigid in your decor choices. Clients are often concerned that mixing styles will result in a thrown together hodgepodge kind of a look. That couldn’t be further from the truth! When I styled my bathroom, I used Moroccan pieces mixed with Italian elements and more. I think you create a much more dynamic space when you layer styles and types of design and decor.


Think about incorporating pieces that feel traveled. There’s nothing quite like walking into someone’s home and seeing magnificent pieces that look like they have stories to tell! Markets and antique shops are excellent places to get these finds! But, you can also easily find contemporary pieces that just feature prints and patterns from far away lands. Don’t let these slip through your fingers.

Prioritize Quality

Perhaps one of the most overlooked parts of creating timeless interior design is neglecting to consider the quality of the items you use in the styling of your home. I know, I know. It can be tempting to grab that cheap piece that looks so good in the moment. But those items will show their quality deficits over time. Not every single piece in your home has to have an exorbitant price tag. But when you’re buying larger items, especially ones that will be used frequently, the splurge is worth it. Don’t cheap out on your dining room table, your sofa or recliner or large surfaces in the home (counters, wallpaper, etc). You’ll never regret owning high quality pieces that will last as long as you want them to in your space.

Timeless interior design doesn’t have to look the same in everyone’s home. It can be as diverse as we are as a people. The key is discovering the colors, styles and items that will continue to be beautiful and elegant as the trend du jour enters and leaves the scene, over and over again. I would love to help you find your personal style that will feel classic for years to come! Book a virtual consultation and let’s get started!


Refresh Your Interior Design For Less!

The idea of renovating a home can seem or feel extremely daunting. “Renovation” has the connotation of construction trucks, demolition and months of displacement. While that can generally be true, sometimes making a change in your interior decor doesn’t take all of that. You can refresh your interior design in creative, innovative and very inexpensive ways, and I’m here to show you how!

Tackle Your Wall Design

Walking into any interior space, and you’ll recognize no two rooms have the same physical decor. What all rooms have in common, though, are walls. An easy way to refresh your interior design is to add some personality to the walls. If you think about it, most people don’t think about the actual walls when it comes to visual impact. You can change that without a great deal of time or money spent.

A quick and dirty tip? Never underestimate the impact a single wall can make. People typically assume redoing a space with paint means painting the entire perimeter of the room. Not so! Whether you use one paint color on the wall or if you incorporate an ombre design, accent walls bring significant visual interest to interior spaces without overdoing it. Or, you can bring visual AND physical interest by adding texture to your wall.

Adding artwork to an empty wall can also make a huge difference when looking to refresh your interior design. Large prints, custom art and even your own kids’ framed art create visual centerpieces in a room. These work especially well if they stand out on a neutral backdrop. Hanging art involves minimal costs for maximum impact. Such is the same with wallpaper! Though some may say wallpaper isn’t as inexpensive as painting, there are some really amazing peel-and-stick wallpapers that are easy to apply and very long-lasting! Plus, they work well for renters, as they aren’t permanent. If you’re a wallpaper fan, stay tuned for details about my own line in the works! No matter which you choose, these options for wall design can take your interior space to the next level!

Do Something New With Accent Decor

Your foundational pieces will always be your most expensive ones. I’m referring to the splurge-worthy purchases: that couch you had to have, the amazing dining room table made from reclaimed wood you’ve had your eye on, or that antique credenza you’re looking to buy. These are the pieces you will keep around forever. Chances are, though, you won’t replace those pieces for years to come. When you’re ready to refresh your interior design, consider accent pieces that are usually far less expensive and easier to swap out.

These options include updating throw pillows for your furniture. Changing these out allows you to bring various pops of color into your decor effortlessly. You can also choose different shapes, sizes and other textures to add a new visual dimension to your interior’s look. Changing these out seasonally is a great way to consistently refresh your interior design and keep a new look in your home space.

Think about switching out the decorative decor that sits atop your fireplace mantel. Styling mantels is so much fun; everything you use on them is so mobile, they can be changed based on your mood! And, practically anything works! Go for plants, photos, vintage art, modern pops of metallics…it’s all fair game! Finally, changing out lamps or lighting fixtures in a room can give you a completely different visual feel. Choose a different height, metal or material of your fixture for a small but significant change in your space. What’s more, this change can even impact the reflection of light. This can bring a different feel in your space, also. Doing more with less is very doable with simple changes in your accent decor.

Lay Out New Linen

If the bedroom is the place you want to refresh your interior design, look no further than your linen. Getting a new comforter or duvet is super easy and inexpensive! And, it will bring a huge change to the most significant piece of furniture in the space. Perhaps you’re looking for a new “something” in the bathroom. People tend to forget about updating their towels when they think about changing their interior decor. It can make a serious difference if you have decorative towels displayed in your bathroom, or if you have more functional towels folded within eyesight.

We all know towels don’t last forever. They get frayed edges and holes, and generally start to look dull if they’re out for periods of time. Towels need to be updated if they stay in eyesight and are used time and time again. A quick purchase of new, pristine, frosty white towels will work wonders for your bathroom decor. And, because white can convey cleanliness and simplicity, fresh linen will positively impact the emotional appeal of what should be your personal spa space.

It really doesn’t take much money to refresh your interior design. It doesn’t even have to take a ton of effort. Beauty is in the details, and you control what those details are in your home. When we feel like a refresh means “go big or go home,” we can look over the small things that can make a huge difference. Consider some of these changes one room at a time, and watch the natural transformation you make with your home decor!

Family Photography in Elevated Interior Design

Someone once said “a photograph is the pause button of life.” I can’t think of a better way to describe the power of capturing beautiful moments. When you become a mom, the obsession with taking photos of everything your child does, every milestone and every experience, grows exponentially. I think the same happens as we age. Memories take on a new meaning and new importance. It’s tempting to plaster our sweet photos all over the home for everyone to see. But, have you ever visited someone’s house and felt like you’d just walked into a life-sized scrapbook? It doesn’t exactly scream sophistication. So, exactly how can we display our family photography and maintain elevated interior design? I’m glad you asked. Let’s talk about it!

Family Photography on a Gallery Wall

One of the best and probably most common ways to display your family photography is by creating a gallery wall. But there are right and wrong ways to do it if you’re looking to create a curated space. The first thing to determine is scale. How large is the space you’re working with? If you have a huge wall and you hang four 5×7 prints on it, the wall will appear unbalanced. Gallery walls require a “go big or go home” approach. Remember, you’re after the look of an art gallery. Think about the most effective way to exhibit your photos for viewers who aren’t you. You want guests to be able to walk by the wall and appreciate the moments you’ve highlighted. For this reason, bigger is usually better as long as your wall has the right dimensions for it.

Another thing to keep in mind is uniformity. If your goal is to create a wall with coordinating prints, using the same frame can greatly increase the beauty of the grouping. If you plan to go with a “similar but not identical” approach, ensure the frame theme is distinct. For instance, if you use all antique frames, don’t include one random modern one. Or, if you plan to use various shades of brass, adhere to that hue throughout the gallery wall. A cohesive, clean effect is what we’re going for when we use gallery walls for family photography.

Get Picky With Placement

If you’re like me, your phone, computer and other devices are full of photos you’ve taken of your loved ones. I’ve even commissioned independent artists to turn a photo into a customized painting! When we go to actually print these gorgeous shots, where do we put them? I mean, sure you could simply set them on any available surface and call it a day. But, if you want the space to feel carefully designed, you’ll need to be more intentional than that. I recommend seeking unique ways to present your photos. I love the use of floating shelves. You can mount them in an otherwise empty space, and it instantly becomes an accent wall! One of the biggest benefits of using shelving in this way, is that you can house several photos in one place without a cluttered or haphazard look. You definitely create a featured visual library with this method.

When you’re brainstorming places for your family photography, don’t be afraid to try atypical locations in your home. I love using hallways to display photographs. Stairway walls are also excellent places to position photos. Everyone has to walk through these areas; why not give them something sweet to view? 

Make it Personal

I recently shared a tour of my home on my social media, and I spoke about one of my favorite hacks for family photography. I like to hide individual photos in books so they fall out and start conversation when my guests come to visit! While that’s not a choice that would work for everyone, the sentiment can! Family photos are personal mementos. They’re meant to callback pleasant memories from years ago and tell a story. When you’re incorporating family photography in elevated design, don’t shy away from making it interactive. 

I love using entryway tables to house photos, because it turns into an artistic moment that will undoubtedly catch the eye of all who enter. Arrange photos in stunning frames around florals and other decorative elements. Your home should display bits of your personality. By configuring your photography this way, you give others a chance to notice it, go pick the frames up for a closer look, and ask questions. Isn’t that what we hope for when we capture these special moments with our cameras? 

Family photography deserves to be seen and felt. But not at the expense of your perfectly designed space. Keep your refined home looking and feeling polished with these tips. You’ll never miss an opportunity to both wow with your design and pull at heartstrings!

Parenting Hacks: Choosing Kids’ Activities

All of us parents know how active our children’s social and extracurricular lives get over the years. Between my two sons, our family participates in sports, music lessons, and so much more. Parents play such a significant role in determining what our kids try. But if you’re a new parent, how do you decide which activities to put your kids in? I have some simple parenting hacks that can help you determine what may work best for your children. Consider these tips as you work to develop well-rounded kids.


Parenting Hack #1: Find Influential Instructors

When I was younger, I remember having one of the coolest babysitters. Not only was she fun, but she had this edgy look that I fell in love with. It was her pierced tongue! I don’t know why it enthralled me so! I knew I was going to get one when I was old enough. And I did! Now, were my parents thrilled? Of course not. BUT, my relationship with that babysitter meant so much to me that I wanted to be just like her. Your kids are probably also extremely influenced by eccentric personalities. And when it comes to extracurricular activities, who your kids work with is just as important as what they do and learn. While it’s not a parenting hack that many think about, you definitely want to choose carefully the people that will be instructing your little ones. I consider this as I think about each of my son’s afterschool activities.

Take, for example, my kids’ singing coach. I realize my kids aren’t going to start out with perfect pitch. I also realize singing practice my be challenging to the ears. Neither of those is the point. They’re at an age when they’re trying something new, so I wanted them to have a coach that was upbeat and encouraging. I picked the perfect one! He’s a huge ray of sunshine every time he meets with the boys. The house just seems to get brighter when he comes in, and it makes such a difference in the boys’ attitudes and confidence. As such, they love their singing classes. The right teachers can definitely have a huge impact on what activities kids gravitate to.

Parenting Hack #2: Lean into Wants and Needs

This might be a “duh” parenting hack, but a simple question to your kids can help you find some interesting activities for your kids: What do YOU want to do? Of course, being an astronaut might not be something to say okay to at this stage of their lives. Generally speaking, though, they have an idea of things they want to do. I simply asked my sons about something they wanted to get better at. They picked basketball, so we came up with some goals to work on, and they were off to the races. Again, will they be Lebron and Steph? I don’t know. But again, that’s really not the point.

Along with considering their wants, I thought about things I felt like my sons needed in their personal development. An unorthodox activity I am currently trying is using character-based language learning and immersion to help one of my sons with reading issues. He loves drawing and is drawn more to words as symbols, not phonetics. So as weird as it sounds, I enrolled him in a course to learn Mandarin. My son enjoys writing the letters and characters of the language, and it helps him understand the importance of written communication.

I also feel it’s important for my boys to develop more determination and grit. I don’t want them to consider giving up on a task very easily because it’s hard or challenging. That’s where learning to play piano comes in for my crew. They’ve been at it for a while. Finally, after three years, my oldest can bang out a little tune now, and I know he will continue to get better. I’m glad he’s been able to see this activity through and see the fruit. This is a parenting hack that I know will continue to benefit your kids for years.

Parenting Hack #3: Find the FREE Stuff!

My final parenting hack should be music to your ears—and pockets. Investing in activities for kids can be a costly experiment, especially when you’re trying things they may not like after a few sessions. However, there are so many free activities that you can start with to test the waters of your kids’ interests.


Though they may not be as widely advertised as they should be, there are so many local and state-funded programs for kids and families that may interest your little ones. My youngest son heard about a coding center through a friend, and he’s totally into it now. And get this: the program is completely free! You can call or look into local museums, theaters, and youth centers to see if they offer any enrichment programs. Trust me: there’s so much out there. You just have to seek them out.

Another potentially free resource? Friends, family and neighbors. They may have some suggestions from their experiences trying activities with their kids. And experimenting with things can become “free” (or more cost-effective) if you can share or borrow equipment from them. We’ve been able to offer wetsuits and surfboards to friends whose kids want to try surfing. Also, many skating rinks allow you to rent skates so your kids can try that activity before purchasing their own pair. These are just a couple of examples, but chatting with your friends and family could open up some new and innovative ideas for your kid’s next hobby or passion with little to no money spent!

We all want children who enjoy a variety of pleasurable interests and diverse pastimes. Try some of these parenting hacks, and be open to something new and different that your kids may discover!

Hire an Interior Designer: Kitchen Renovation

If you haven’t heard, the housing market is kind of crazy, currently. I should know, after all I’m in the middle of staging my house to prepare for sale! Now, whether you view the fluidity of the market as a good or bad thing comes down to your position as seller or buyer at the time. But no matter your stance, one thing is for certain: the cost of housing is increasing. That fact alone makes it easy to understand why so many people are opting to renovate their existing homes instead of buying new ones. A kitchen renovation is a great way to not only add value to a home, but also to increase its functionality! If you’re ready to give your kitchen a refresh, consider hiring an interior designer to assist with your renovation! I’ll talk you through it in the blog.

The Heart of the Home

Far too often I run into people who think interior design is all about pillows and furniture. The truth is, the design of any space is so much more than that! This is particularly true when it comes to the kitchen, because this room is the heart of the home. Kitchens are among the most frequented rooms in any house, and they serve a multitude of purposes. If you want to update your home, a kitchen renovation is an excellent place to begin.

Kitchen Appliances Matter

When you’re upgrading your kitchen, never neglect the appliances. Think about how often you use your range or your refrigerator. Why shouldn’t you invest in these pieces? I love that many companies are listening to their savvy customers and realizing that appliances can marry form and function for a stylish touch. I’ve always believed that luxury home design doesn’t depend on a price tag, it rests in the details. Want to create a kitchen that feels chic and polished? Think outside of the box! I chose a panel-ready fridge that made my design feel seamless. I loved the neutral feel of my white cabinetry, and I didn’t want to call attention to a giant stainless steel box as soon as you walked in. The panel almost makes the fridge disappear, and my custom brass hardware only elevates the look!

When I started designing my new dream beach home, I knew I wanted every inch of it to feel exquisite! Kitchens have always been some of my favorite spaces to design, so I was extremely selective when it came to the appliances. I am so excited for my JennAir column fridge! JennAir has broken the mold when it comes to kitchen appliances, and once you take a look at these completely customizable refrigerators with sleek obsidian interiors, you’ll see what I mean! I will also be installing a stunning range from the Smoke & Brass line. The range is one of 50 that will ever be made! It even features gorgeous brass detailing and distressing all done by hand. These pieces are, in a word, magnificent. If you want to add sophistication to your kitchen renovation, try incorporating appliances that are designed to be both elegant and efficient. 

Make the Most of Your Materials

Perhaps one of the most important things to consider when beginning a kitchen renovation is what to do with the largest surfaces in the space. Countertops get a ton of action, thus making the material you choose an essential part of their functionality. We all know I love stone. Natural stone is so beautiful in all varieties. I love the many colors and veining patterns. But, natural stone can be quite delicate! Nobody wants to worry about staining and etching in an environment prone to spills. A solution to this is opting for man-made stone that can withstand all the inevitable kitchen happenings.

I also recommend considering a backsplash that won’t be difficult to clean. I know most people gravitate towards tile, but have you ever tried to get food and sauce splashes out of grout? It isn’t my idea of a good time! Running a stone slab all the way up the back is a stylish alternative that solves the grout problem! I’ve done this in many kitchens I’ve designed, and clients are always glad they made that choice!

Kitchen Cabinetry Options

I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve heard a client tell me how much they hate their kitchen, only to discover they actually only hated the look of it. What I mean is, often your kitchen just needs a bit of a facelift in order to be appreciated. Stand in your kitchen and pay attention to where your eyes are drawn. Cabinets are a significant feature that can be modified in a kitchen renovation. Some clients decide to get new cabinets installed, while others simply paint their existing ones. Another thing to consider is swapping out your hardware for new styles and colors. It’s like adding new shiny jewelry as a finishing touch after you’ve decided on an outfit!

If you’re really looking to transform the look of your kitchen, you can even elect to forego traditional upper cabinetry altogether! I’m planning to do that in my new house to achieve an open and airy feel to the space. Some clients choose to do open shelving! It’s not for the weak, (or the disorganized!) as everything is visible to all who enter your kitchen. However, it lends a fresh aesthetic to the space that many love!

Work With Breegan Jane

No matter what you choose to do in your renovation, just make sure it’s a reflection of you. Kitchens are places to eat, entertain, do homework, and connect with friends. They should be full of heart and beauty. Schedule an hour virtual consultation with me to get started on creating your ideal space!                                                                                                                                      

Music Education Benefits for Kids

Music. It’s something that has always been a staple in my home, both now and during my formative years. Music has magical qualities in my opinion. It has been known to soothe crying babies, conjure memories to those affected by dementia, and even lower heart rate and ease anxiety. I learned to play the piano as a kid, and my little brother plays multiple instruments. So when my boys expressed an interest in music, I knew I wanted to make it a priority. Music education has so many benefits for children, and you might want to incorporate it in your kids’ schedules after this blog!

Music Education Classes, Oh My!

Is it just me, or do young kids have crazier social schedules than adults these days? My boys are both under ten years old, and they have all but completely monopolized any free time I have. But, as many moms will attest, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Extracurricular activities provide so much enrichment for kids. I feel extra lucky that some music education is even built into my sons’ school curriculum! Kingsley and Kensi are enrolled in several different types of music classes. They have voice lessons, song writing, DJing, piano lessons and more. My oldest also recently got a guitar he seems to be loving. In short, if it’s musical, these two are all about it! says that learning music skills can help children cultivate social skills, develop patience and discipline, and even elevate self esteem! The benefits are many, to say the least.

Finding Strength in a Song

If I asked you who your favorite music artist is, what your favorite song is, or which concert was the most unforgettable, you’d likely immediately think of an answer. That’s because many of us form emotional bonds with the music we hear. Think about it, how many times have you played sad love songs while you were going through a break-up? Or, maybe you have a dance mix you listen to when you’re getting ready for a night out. We often turn to music to usher us through tough times and complement the very best of times. Music is our intangible companion.

When I was going through my divorce, I never lost sight of the fact that children often have very big feelings around a change as profound as that. I never wanted my children to suffocate or suppress their emotions. So, I use music education as a way to channel emotions in a healthy manner. Children don’t always have the language to express their feelings in mature ways like adults. But I have found that my boys will easily put their feelings into a song. We use music as a tool to aid in describing emotions. Years ago, when my youngest was upset and throwing a bit of a fit, I would play “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M. and tell him to let it out and cry louder! It was an excellent way to release pent up tension! Music heals, and I’ve always embraced that in our home.

Self Discovery

One of the best parts about introducing music education to my children has been watching them learn about their own skills and gifts. Both of my boys are genuinely interested in musical arts. They’re also pretty good at it! However, I’ve never actually cared whether they become professional musicians or not. That’s not a goal of mine. Instead, I watch as my sons have gone from what sounded like aimless banging on piano keys to learning to play “Lean On Me.” I look at how well they can blend songs and count BPMs while DJing. I’m happy to see how proud they are when they present a song to me after working so hard on it. Kingsley and Kensi are learning how to persevere when they have a rough day. 

My kids are enrolled in lots of different types of music classes, and both boys have strengths in some and weaknesses in others. They get frustrated. They may even have moments when they want to quit. But their teachers and I encourage them to keep going. I can see how much more confident they are. It’s all because of their experience with music education. Of course kids will learn reading, writing, math and science. Those are all necessary skills. But if you haven’t already, consider the benefits of learning how to play an instrument or sing, or understanding music theory. Your children’s lives will be enriched as a result!

The Mekuno Project: Ending FGM For Good

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know how passionate I am about philanthropy. And, you undoubtedly know what that means for my precious girls in Kenya, Africa. For years I heard about the atrocities of female genital mutilation (FGM), and I wanted to do my part to put an end to the practice. As today commemorates the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, I am happy to introduce the Mekuno Project, an effort created to further this very important effort.

Why the Mekuno Project is Needed

It is important for me to bring awareness to the practice of FGM because, sadly, many people are still unsure of what it really is. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), FGM includes all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. WHO also deems FGM a violation of human rights of girls and women.

You may wonder why this practice even exists. In many cultures, FGM (also known as “cutting”) is a valued practice that symbolically marks the transition from girlhood to womanhood. Specifically in Kenya, Africa, young girls go through FGM just before or after they hit puberty. The practice is a direct precursor to child marriage. In fact, Kenyan girls are not considered eligible for marriage until they have gone through cutting. Marriage in these societies is crucial for economic survival, as families see marriage as the only way for girls to have a financially stable future. Plus, potential husbands pay the parents of the bride-to-be a dowry for the privilege of marrying her. This payment can mean a great deal for an impoverished family. You can see how the ritual can easily become normalized when considering the positive economic impact it can have.

There has to be a better way, and I believe the Mekuno Project paves the way for it.

Why FGM Needs to End

More than 200 million girls and women alive today have endured FGM throughout Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Though they are survivors, that survival may not come without its issues. FGM can have devastating physical and psychological effects on girls, some short-term and some lifelong. This makes complete sense when you consider the procedure’s result—the removal of part or the whole of the external female genitalia.

What’s more, the mutilation is typically done in extremely unhygienic places, without proper medical supervision or sanitized tools, and with no anesthesia for the girls. If one of them has an infection or disease, it becomes extremely probable that the illness could be transmitted to others because sterile instruments aren’t often used. Many of the girls can suffer severe risks from the procedure, and some actually die. For those that survive, both FGM and child marriage hold them back from an education—reducing enrollment rates and increasing dropout and illiteracy rates. This can prevent them from realizing their dreams and potential and contributing their gifts to improve their families and communities. As you can see, FGM presents dangerous implications for girls’ marriage, health, education, and future work.

The Mekuno Project Is Making a Difference 

No girl or woman should ever have to endure FGM. Ever. The Mekuno Project aims to make that a reality by creating a four-pillar approach to address the root causes of FGM. The approach includes: providing quality education to young girls; addressing gender-based violence and strengthening child protection systems at the community level; expanding the sense of self-worth and capability of men, women, girls and boys, to strengthen self-value and self-worth of all in the community; and providing opportunities for economic empowerment, to ultimately decrease dependence on dowries from child marriages.

What impresses me most about the Mekuno Project is the confidence in its strategy. Organizers know the program will work because it has already been tried, tested and proven successful! In the area of West Pokot, rates of FGM and child marriage have fallen from 95% to less than 10%. In 2021 alone, 368 girls were provided school fees to further their education. Further, 308 children went through the Alternative Rites of Passage, and over 5,000 people were trained in the Empowered Worldview program. The Mekuno Project is well on its way to accomplishing the goal of completely ending FGM by 2030.

But they need your help.

You can help us end FGM and provide hope-filled futures to deserving young women in Kenya who need your support. Your generosity, in any amount, will help spur change and impact lives. Visit the Mekuno Project and join our cause to bring freedom and promise to young African lives.

Lessons in Handling Change

Change. Everyone from Bob Dylan to Sam Cooke to Taylor Swift has written songs about the concept of change. Whether you love it or hate it, it’s the one thing we know will always…be. While change is inevitable, there are definitely certain points in our lives that seem to be brimming with it. These transitional moments can be tough on everyone, but they seem to present a challenge especially for children. Let’s talk about what handling change feels like, and why it doesn’t have to be approached like a hurdle to throw ourselves over, barely making it out alive, lol. Let’s dig deeper.

My Early Days

We’re building our dream beach home right now. But, I can’t tell you that I had a ton of experience as a young child with change as it relates to moving. I lived in one house for many years, and we only moved once after that. So I definitely benefited from having a strong core base. But every kid deals with changes and transitions in several aspects of their lives. 

We change schools, make new friends, and sometimes it’s as simple as just growing older from one phase to the next. Handling change can be challenging. Everyone feels differently about it. I’ve had conversations with people who view change as an opportunity for a fresh start and reset. Others would prefer to stick with the familiar and tried and true. We all know someone who lives by the old adage: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Neither of these perspectives is better or worse than the other. However, handling change in a healthy way should be the goal for everyone. 

Raising Resilient Kids

I don’t dread change. I accept that it is a part of life, and instead of fighting it, I embrace it. I’ve always thought of myself as a resilient person. The outlook you adopt on life greatly impacts the ease with which you move through it. Think of it like the ocean. It’s much easier to swim with the current than to struggle against it. Regarding life in this way has helped me so much, and I knew I wanted to raise my sons to have those same traits. One of the ways I did that was by preventing them from becoming too attached to one way of doing something. Take nap time for instance. I established a sleep schedule, but not a specific “napping place.” As a result, my sons could sleep anywhere, a friend’s home, their grandparents’ house, a hotel on vacation. I was deliberate about making myself their “north star” as opposed to a physical space.

When Handling Change is Difficult

If you follow me on social media you’ve likely seen our family chronicles. We’re a close-knit bunch, and Kingsley and Kensi are almost always together. That’s not happenstance. I worked to foster a positive and loving relationship between the two of them since my youngest was born. So, when school started and they had to be in different classes, I noticed my youngest had a tough time handling change. Kingsley is the more social one of the two. He makes making friends look effortless, and Kensi, who was always right beside him, never had to navigate those waters. So the first days of independence led to Kensi coming home from school saying things like, “I don’t have any friends.”

I decided to take my youngest out of his comfort zone. When we go to have a pool day, I tell him, “you don’t get to hide behind your brother. Go say hi and make friends. They’re just as shy as you are.” He isn’t comfortable doing it, but I try to give him moments to do it with the safety of mom close. I want my boys to understand that different isn’t bad. I want them to meet change with the confidence to know that they have everything they need to be successful in new situations and environments. Handling change well isn’t always about predicting what will happen. It’s about being resilient enough to adapt and move with what’s happening. That’s a lesson that works well for children and adults alike.

Parental Advice

So, we know change is a constant in life. We know that learning to make peace with that is the first step to handling change well. But children don’t possess the life skills and mental processing that adults have. When people comment on how well-adjusted my sons are, I tell them that my advice may be a bit unconventional. My boys haven’t expressed any anxiety or negative emotions regarding our next move. I think a lot of that is because of the way I frame things. My advice? Don’t hyper-focus on the negative.

Children often take their cues from us. Have you seen those videos where a toddler falls and the first thing they do is look at the parent? Nine times out of ten, if the parent panics, so will the child. If everyone remains calm in the room, the tot is likely to get up and carry on. The same concept applies when you’re helping your children through changes. I didn’t ask my boys if they were feeling nervous about our move. I asked them what they were most excited about. We shifted the mood and switched the focus. This isn’t to say that we don’t make space for their feelings whether upbeat or sad. I just don’t make a habit of associating “new” with adversity.

Stability and Security

I think the best thing parents can do is maintain a sense of stability and security for our kids. Pay attention to the conversations you have with them. You’ll be able to detect how they’re feeling about the changes occurring. Be careful to not overwhelm them with adult emotions that they’re simply not ready for. I spent many moments giving myself time to digest my own feelings and tears privately, before having calm and collected discussions with my kiddos. I want to ensure that no matter the transition, they know and feel that they are safe and taken care of. Handling change isn’t something that comes with an instruction manual. But it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable obstacle. I’m teaching my kids that they are stronger and more resilient than they think. I hope they’ll carry that lesson with them throughout their lives.