What’s on your walls? It’s an important question, considering our walls are some of the largest surfaces in our homes. As such, they should tell a story. What that story will be is completely up to you! The great thing is there are so many different ways you can tell that story with your accent walls. Here are a few contemporary ways to achieve the look and feel you want in your interior design.

The Perfect Paint

Perhaps the most well-known, tried-and-true approach to accent walls involves painting one wall—the “accent” wall—a vibrant color that’s different from the rest of the room.


If you’re committed to a particular paint color, painting an accent wall may be just what your space needs to give it that decorative flair that may be missing. Regardless, your accent wall will draw attention to an area that may be overlooked. It will also bring attention to the rest of the decor in the space.

Why Not Wallpaper?

If you want to make a statement with your walls but you’re not sure you want to commit to paint, a funky wallpaper can be just the thing to make the difference you’re looking for. What’s neat is that wallpaper can be a culmination of graphics, textures, or even photos.

For example, in a restaurant I designed, I used an oversized print of the chef’s hands as a focal point because I wanted the guests to feel as enveloped by the space as they were captivated by the culinary delights. It was an abstract but powerful presentation that is one of my favorites to this day!

Magnificent Mirrors

I haven’t seen designers use it as often as I want, but mirrors are another great resource to use for creative accent walls. Incorporating mirrors on an accent wall is a great way to brighten up dimly lit areas or darker rooms. The dynamic reflections, especially with multiple mirrors, are a great way to create the appearance of a larger environment and add depth to the space.

Artwork Is Amazing

Collections of artwork work very well for accent walls. The great thing about using art is that each type of art is so varied and different. Hundreds of people could create accent walls with art, and none of them would be the same!

In one episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, we helped a very special refugee family connect to their homeland by creating an accent wall with Congolese masks, each representing a member of their family. It even paid homage to some of their family lost in the war in the Congo. The installation brought new meaning to what “home” would epitomize for the family, and that’s exactly what we wanted to achieve with the art-filled accent wall.

These are just a few ways you can create some modern, avant-garde accent walls throughout your home. Whether you incorporate paint, wallpaper, mirrors or art, use your walls to your advantage to convey a part of your story. Do you need some help bringing your vision to life? I’m just a click away! Let’s get together for a virtual consultation and talk through all of the amazing ideas we come up with together!

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